Chapter 12

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He didn't know why he was hesitating. Eugeo was under a time limit, after all, it wouldn't be long until Quinella noticed he was gone.

Though he doesn't doubt that Alice and Selka would find some kind of way to distract her...

After Eugeo had hidden his horse in the bushes, he began to approach the door to Kirito's house. He walked slowly, the sound of his boots sinking into the mud was the only proof that any of this was real.

Clouds of condensation formed in front of him as he breathed- he didn't realise how cold it had gotten tonight.

The warm glow that came from Kirito's windows was beautiful, it gave off a completely different atmosphere than the palace. It was welcoming, and Eugeo was sure Kirito wouldn't hesitate to invite him in...

Yet, he stood unmoving in front of the door, hand half raised.

Would Kirito really let him in? It's not like Eugeo and Kirito were the best of friends, they'd only met a few times. Eugeo just showing up at Kiritos' house and asking him to do something on such a grand level, letting Kirito know Eugeo was the prince and was on the run...

And there's also the issue that Kirito might treat him differently because he's the prince- Eugeo silently begs that it won't happen.

The more he pondered, the more he worried. Even though Alice and Selka had helped him get this far, he was contemplating returning to the palace- just because it was a familiar area. Because at the palace he didn't have to worry about questions going unanswered like this, he was so used to just being told what to do and what will happen- right now, he didn't know what to do.

Eugeo let out a sigh, he knew he couldn't do that, he couldn't go back. He wouldn't anyway, too much had happened for him to return home and live a life he didn't want. If he wanted a change, he had to suck it up and knock on Kirito's door!

After a few more seconds of encouraging himself, he forced his hand to move- knocking on the door a little harder than expected. The force of the action against his knuckles made Eugeo realise that this was actually happening- it wasn't a dream at all.

Eugeo could hear his heart beating in his head, the adrenaline from before still coursing through him. He knew this would be the beginning of the life he truly wanted, it all starts here...

The handle moved slightly, Eugeo taking a small step back on instinct, and the door opened a crack. Golden light poured out of the gap and was quickly shrouded by a shadow, Eugeo forced himself to look at the figure he had been waiting to see.

Eugeo was met by a nervous-looking Kirito, his bangs ever so slightly covering his eyes. There was an anxious pause as Eugeo pulled down the hood of his cloak- he had discarded his masquerade mask a while ago.

As if a switch had been flicked, Kirito broke out into a cheesy grin, a look of realisation crossing his features. The action was so effortless, yet Eugeo was still shocked that this smile was actually aimed at him.

"Eugeo! What brings you here so late?" Kirito asked, pushing the door open a little further.

Eugeo quickly walked in, gently pushing Kirito to the side, and leant on the door behind himself. A glance at Kirito showed how Eugeo had clearly surprised him.

"Sorry, Kirito... something happened and I need your help," Eugeo said, his words coming out a little scrambled. "Please trust me for a few minutes?"

The look of surprise was swept off Kirito's face and was quickly replaced by one more serious. He nodded and led Eugeo over to the fireplace- Eugeo hadn't noticed he had been shivering.

Kingdom Of Glass [Kirito x Eugeo]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें