Chapter 9

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Eugeo wasn't allowed to be in the room while Quinella was talking with the guard, so he was left pacing just outside the door.

To say the least, he was extremely worried. It could be anything, but Eugeo got the feeling that this was something to do with himself and the visits he's made to the city...

The guard that had received the letter was one of the royal guards, they didn't roam around the city, so they must have picked up the letter from a mail carrier or something. However, the royal guards knew that Eugeo would visit the city on occasion. There was no doubt they would mention the possibility that it could be Eugeo to Quinella, it kind of just matched up.

A suspicious person appearing in the city of Katolis a couple of times a month, suddenly seen talking to a half-elf who is apparently an informant for the queen?

Yeah, sounds suspicious.

But who could look suspicious in the city, unless they had something to hide?

Like... someone hiding their true identity?

Eugeo stopped pacing and walked towards the door- while he knew eavesdropping wasn't polite, or expected from a prince- he had no other choice. If what the guard was telling Quinella was about him, then he needed to come up with a plan- fast.

Eugeo turned his head, surveying the area. There didn't seem to be any guards in the hallway at the moment, just to his luck, so he could do this without anyone seeing.

"Okay, I can do this..." Eugeo whispered to himself and moved against the door. He remained careful, as to not accidentally bump something like the door handle, and pressed his ear against the surface.

" of the civilians noticed that they left together, most likely going to Mr Kirigaya's residence." A muffled voice said, it was that guard.

"Did this civilian see anything suspicious happening?" Quinella replied.

Eugeo tried pushing himself further onto the door, he wanted to hear everything they were saying but it was difficult to understand them clearly.

"Well, my lady... the civilian followed them and chose to watch through the window... They have described the appearance of this person in the letter, but I doubt you will believe what I am about to suggest." They said.

Eugeo felt his heart rate pick up- someone had been watching him and Kirito during the time they were together, and even though Kirito and himself were simply reading and talking... Eugeo was not hiding his appearance. That's something Lady Quinella will not take lightly.

"You will tell me anyway. Mr Kirigaya will be punished nonetheless, for defying specific orders I have given him as our informant." Quinella remarked.

"Very well lady... I regret to inform you that this description is almost identical to that of prince Eugeo." The guard said.

"Eugeo? My Eugeo?" She began, "That's impossible! Eugeo would never go against specific orders- how dare you assume such preposterous things?" Quinella yelled.

Eugeo moved away from the door slightly, his skin paling. He didn't have time to worry about what Quinella will say, he has all the information he needs for now.

He's been caught, and Quinella will find out the truth either way.

Kirito will be punished, possibly executed, because of what Eugeo has done.

While Eugeo always knew this was a possibility, he never expected it to actually happen. He thought he was being careful, and that there was no way people would actually have suspicions about him. He'd been visiting the city way before he had actually met Kirito, and yet people had only just started wondering who he was? Did they think that this 'Eugeo' visiting Kirito was a different person?

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