Chapter 7

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'Dear Kirito,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of your health. I must admit, I have not wrote any letters for a long while.

How are you? I am hoping those men, that you had the unfortunate encounter with, have not harmed you recently?

It has been a while since my last visit, but I will probably be in Katolis again in the next week or two! I am looking forward to seeing you again.

If you would like to send a letter back, there is a small mailbox near the edge of the forest, near the palace I believe. A courier arrives there every few days to collect letters being sent to Duren, so you simply just have to write my name on the envelope. You can trust the courier, we know each other quite well.

I hope to see you again soon.

Sincerely, Eugeo.'

Eugeo sighed, re-reading the letter a few times. This was very risky, and Eugeo knew he could get himself and Kirito in trouble for doing this.

But he felt a little rebellious today- so posting a letter in the mailbox should be easy for him.

His plan was to excuse himself from dinner for a short while, making up a lie about needing to use the bath rooms, and while all the royalty were a good way away from the palace gates, he would post his letter in the mailbox! Foolproof!

At least, he hoped so.

The guards might question him, and if he couldn't make a plausible excuse, they might report him to Lady Quinella. Which is exactly what he wanted to avoid, he supposes that they shouldn't ask questions though, as it wasn't their right- it would be over-stepping the boundaries of being a guard.

Eugeo reached for a lit candle, pouring melted wax over the folded paper, and stamping it- sealing it shut. There was no going back now, this letter was the one going to Kirito.

He wrote the address out on the front in simple cursive, he didn't want Kirito to think he was too posh... well, you know. He even used a normal wax seal, not the one that royal family usually used- which bared the symbol of Katolis' palace towers- this one was simply a coin stuck to a piece of wood. Something any civilian could make.

He was hoping to post the letter today, dinner was not too long away now. In fact, he should probably get into some appropriate clothing- Quinella wouldn't approve of him wearing casual dress at dinner...


The letter felt as if it was burning a hole right through his pocket, he couldn't stop thinking about it.

Eugeo had never- in his whole life- asked to leave the table during a meal time. It was netiquette, rude, nothing to be expected from a prince. Even on those occasions when Eugeo had needed to use the bath rooms- sometimes desperately- he never had the courage to ask.

Selka had done it a few times when she was very young- but that was just it- when she was young. Eugeo was eighteen, an adult, he has to be able to keep these things controlled.

"Eugeo dear, may you pass the butter?" Quinella asked, pulling Eugeo from his anxious thoughts.

He did as she asked, and with trembling hands passed her the butter dish. Following table manners carefully- don't pass something over someone's plate, if something is in the way, move it, don't be chaotic about it... and don't knock anything over, for the love of god.

Eugeo was a bit confused as to why she had even asked him, and not one of the servants. It was out if character, she loved to use the servants for everything, even the menial tasks. Was it some kind of test?

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