Chapter 4

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"It has only been a few days... are you sure you want to visit again so soon?" Alice asked.

Eugeo had told her he was planning to visit the city again, the stress he had been under from the past week had got him feeling a little down.

"I know it has not been long... Do not worry, I will only visit once next month, just in case." He replied. The wager wasn't really something he wanted to do- if Eugeo had the choice, he would visit the city everyday. Twice a month wasn't enough.

There was a complex frown on Alice's face, the kind that told people she was thinking deeply. Alice was always like that, she wanted to find solutions, and would take other peoples problems seriously.

"I don't think you'll have to do that, Lady Quinella has granted you two days. So far you have had no issues with being noticed, I feel like everyone just assumes you are a traveller... you should stick with that title." She said, a hand reaching to Eugeo's shoulder. "I will inform the royal guard, and then we can leave. Did you have a time?" She added.

"Just before midday on the sundial, the market is usually open by then." Eugeo smiled, he was hoping those honey pies would be there again...

Alice nodded, giving Eugeo a firm pat on the shoulder, before leaving.

It was quite early at the moment, the sun was only just peaking over the horizon. Yet it was a beautiful morning, one that Eugeo took pleasure in.

The air was crisp and fresh, as if the night sky had absorbed all the heaviness from the day before. The palace gardens were quiet, dew clinging to every leaf and petal, the only life being the bees and insects, who buzzed and hummed softly.

Even the gardeners weren't up yet, and they usually worked from dawn till dusk. Eugeo was glad they got paid for having to do so much work- they always did a good job, the palace gardens were immaculate.

...After the ball from a few days ago, Eugeo had started spending more time in the gardens- he saw them as his safe spot. The royal guards were still around to keep an eye out for danger, but other than them, no one really bothered him.

Lady Quinella did enjoy the gardens, yes, but she would only occasionally visit. She mainly uses them as a place for summer gatherings, or parties.

Even his sisters didn't bother him, they seemed to know that this was Eugeo's place to chill out. But they had never asked him about it.

Eugeo's sisters didn't ask him a lot of things.

He couldn't really blame them- he was very reserved as a child, mainly keeping his thoughts to himself, Lady Quinella was the only person he'd ever talk to. Even then, it was very rare, the older he got the better he became at hiding his worries. Growing up as a prince didn't help either, since he was taught to only talk when spoken to...

And being a hidden prince was even worse.

Everything had to be hidden, hidden, hidden. 'You can't show your face Eugeo.' 'Don't let people see you, Eugeo.'. Yeah, he knows. He knows that he has to keep everything a secret, but he's starting to believe there's something more behind this than just 'keeping him safe'.

Alice and Selka were also royalty, why are they allowed to be seen? Is it just because he is the heir?

The royal guards were allowed to see him, yet other kings and queens couldn't?

Regular city guards couldn't see him, the citizens- couldn't see him.

His own fiancée couldn't see him.

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