Chapter 2

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The morning went like any other, the only difference being that Eugeo had left for the city not too long ago. Alice was his guard up to the forest outside the city, she was also trained in sword craft, and she didn't trust the royal guards to keep Eugeo hidden.

He was currently upon his horse, it wasn't that far of a ride to get to the city. However he had to take a longer route, so people wouldn't see that he had came from the palace.

"We're almost there, Rose! I wish I was allowed to take you into the city with me..." Eugeo spoke to his horse, running a hand through her mane.

"You speak to her as if she understands you, Eugeo." Alice commented, an amused expression on her face.

"I know she doesn't understand... but she knows I am a friend." He replied, stroking his horse once more.

"We are very close to the forest edge though, I should be leaving you now. If someone were to see you with me, they'd immediately make connections." Alice said, and halted her horse.

Eugeo hadn't realised how close they actually were, and pulled his hood over his head.

"Thank you again, for riding with me Alice. I will see you later, when I am to return home." Eugeo said, and watched as Alice gave a small wave before riding off.

Eugeo pulled at the reigns lightly, urging his horse to go onward. He watched the forest around him, fascinated by the creatures that roamed them. They never got any animals within the palace walls, Lady Quinella made sure there was no space for them to enter- but it was also to avoid assassins from entering too...

The trees began to space out the closer he got to the city entrance, from the route he took it would look like he had come from the city of Duren. It was never unusual to get visitors in Katolis, so the guards usually let Eugeo in without any worries.

As he approached the gates, he felt that bubble of excitement he oh-so-rarely got. The kind of feeling that makes you feel alive, and free. Eugeo could get used to the feeling of being free, it was a lot better than being stuck in a palace all day. But he wouldn't complain, he knew that he was more privileged than others...

"Good morning traveller! Please dismount and disarm before entering the Kingdom of Katolis." The guard announced, and Eugeo followed the order.

He gave Rose one more pat on the neck, and watched as she was taken to the stables.

"Welcome to Katolis, sir." Was said, as Eugeo walked through the gates.


Eugeo loved the markets, they were one of his favourite places to go. He found them so joyous and friendly. Every vendor at their stalls had a smile on their face, and anyone could tell that they enjoyed the market just as much as Eugeo did.

He especially liked the stalls that sold literature or baked goods. Every time Eugeo would visit, he would buy some sweets or jam- and would either enjoy them in the city or bring them back to Alice and Selka in the palace.

Today, Eugeo decided to try a sweet he had never eaten before- they were called honey pies, they didn't serve them at the palace.

Biting into the pie was probably the most satisfying thing in the world- honey was such a luxury, as bees didn't necessarily like Katolis' land. A lot of them had been used by people interested in dark magic... it was as if the bees had left on purpose.

The honey tasted like liquid gold, it spilled out of the flaky pastry- still warm from baking- pooling in his mouth with just the right amount of sweetness. The pastry was just as rewarding, even if it wasn't as soft as other baked goods, it was just right. Not too much, so it would soak up all the honey and make it less satisfying, and not too little- which would just end up leaving a mess.

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