Chapter 5

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Seeing the elf right in front of him was a bit of a shock.

Eugeo hadn't expected to find this boy so quickly, and it looks as if he was as equally surprised.

"You're- you're that guy!" The black haired boy exclaimed, pointing a finger towards Eugeo.

Eugeo already felt like this boy was going to be a handful, he seemed to have no manners when it came to talking to strangers. Yet this felt strangely reassuring.

Eugeo was so used to people being polite all the time- royalty can be such a bore- that this act of 'rudeness' was so relieving. It made Eugeo feel a little bit more human.

"'That guy'? I could say the same to you! You ran off before I got the chance to ask who you were!" Eugeo replied, placing his hands on his hips.

This could be fun, he'd never had an entertaining argument since he was a child. Alice and Selka were so busy nowadays, they never got the chance to quarrel like normal siblings.

"In my defence, I was being ridiculed by those men!" The boy countered.

Eugeo sweat-dropped, but let a small laugh escape his lips. That day was an eventful one, Eugeo still wanted to know why those men had chosen to pick on him in the middle of the market, it didn't seem right.

Even though this boy was an elf, people don't usually start fights when lot's of people are around. Was there a reason they had done it? Was Eugeo in trouble for interfering? Was it some kind of social experiment?

The elf fidgeted slightly, placing a hand behind his neck.

"I... I actually want to thank you for that. Without you stopping those guys, I could have ended up with a black eye... or worse." The elf added. The comical mood had lifted, and the conversation began to feel a bit more serious.

"Are those men usually picking fights with you?" Eugeo asked. If he found out that those men were starting fights with more than just this elf, he could report them to the officials once he got back to the palace...

But if they were only starting fights with this elf-boy, there wouldn't be much he could do. Humans aren't particularly sympathetic to the elves...

"Their names are Raios and Humbert. They like starting fights with me because- well- I'm half elf..." The boy replied.

Eugeo had heard those names before. They were both pretty high up on the social status ladder, he was sure they had connections with Lady Quinella... there was no hope in getting them out of Katolis.

Wait, this boy was half elf? He looked so much like a pure-blooded elf... how many half-elves have we mistook as pure-blooded? Can they still do magic?

Eugeo was excited, he wanted to ask so many questions. It may be a little unorthodox, Eugeo was always taught not to ask too many questions, or talk without being spoken to. But this was his only chance- his only chance to discover new things. It could help amazingly with learning about primal magic, even though he can't cast any spells, it will be exciting to learn things from a real, magical (half-elf, but he's still an elf...) elf!

Eugeo nodded towards the boy, he understood that people will always hold a grudge against others when they're different. Being an elf in a human kingdom is bound to gain some attention- positive or not.

"Well, I'm glad I got rid of them before things got ugly... say, may I ask for your name?" Eugeo said. If he was going to start asking questions- eventually- it might be best if he knew this boys name.

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