Chapter 6

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'You never deserved the title of Queen! You're sick in the head!'

There was no peace here, even the dragons were against her.

'But I am the Queen, Lyceris. You will not overthrow any thrones, not in your whole lifetime!'

Assassins were never any good against her, the royal guards were too powerful for them.

'Maybe I won't be able to alone- but I will curse you in name of the heavens and to the depths of hell. You will birth a child damned.'

Lyceris was a master in all primal magic, she knew this. But her spells are always twisted in Quinella's favour, and instead aid her during her reign as queen.

'I would love to see you try, dear Lyceris.'

The storm raged on, rain stinging their cheeks.

The two stood face to face.

The war between Xadia and the human kingdoms would never end the way Lyceris wanted, Quinella would make sure of that.

'Quinella, vai nacimento filho das estrelas!'

A hot pain seared through Quinella at that moment- she thought it could have even been the end of her- but the pain subsided after a few seconds.

'What... What did you do?'

'You will see. But make no mistake, this will be the end of your reign soon enough.'


The sun was peaking out from the bottom of the curtains, illuminating the scattered books and parchments on the floor.

It was a beautiful morning in Katolis today, one of blessing.

Eugeo was still sound asleep under his covers, enjoying the comfort of his bed while he could. He wasn't usually one to sleep in, but he couldn't seem to help himself today.

There were a lot of things going on in his life now. After meeting the half-elf Kirito, he had used a lot more brain power- and seemed to be forgetting his manners as a prince.

He had to keep thinking about his safety, and making sure people didn't suspect him too much. Eugeo had been thinking about all the things that could happen if citizens found out he was a prince- and how Lady Quinella would act if she found out he was talking to a citizen of Katolis so freely.

Eventually, he managed to open his eyes.

There were probably things he should be doing today- he could have sworn he had another lesson with Miss Fanatio, she was going to teach him some new sword skills...

Eugeo was wondering why nobody had come to wake him- it was very out of the ordinary for him to sleep in.

Nonetheless, Eugeo willed himself to sit upright, yawning as he did so.

The blankets fell from his frame, causing a chill to creep up his spine. Even with the sun shining, it must still be cold outside to make Eugeo's bedroom this chilly.

There was commotion coming from outside Eugeo's bedroom window- which overlooked the gardens and the end of the training grounds- even from the third floor of the palace, Eugeo could hear two people having some kind of argument.

"How do you know you can trust him, Alice! He's been acting like a whole new person!"

"Selka, listen! He is fine! There's nothing to worry about, he knows what he's doing. Eugeo has always been smart, dark magic won't be that difficult for him to handle!"

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