Chapter One

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You were walking home from school on a cold Friday with your best friend, Sasha. She was stuffing potato chips in her mouth.

"Hey (f/n), you should try this site called Omegle." Sasha said, with her mouth full.

"Nah, that's where perverts go to get all your information and kidnap you." You say.

"Ha! That's what they all say." Sasha laughed.

"But seriously, you should use it." Sasha added. You rolled your eyes, not wanting to use Omegle.

"Fine, once we get to my house i'll talk to one person." You said.

"Yay! I wonder who we'll meet!" Sasha cheered.

"Probably some pervert." You say.

" may meet a hot guy." Sasha said.

"I doubt it." You say, pushing Sasha into a snow bank.

"Hey! Help me get up!" Sasha said. You giggled and helped her up, and she started to run to your house.

"Catch me if you can!" Sasha yelled, not caring that there was ice on the ground.

"Sasha, you will slip and fall!!" You shout back. Surprisingly, she didn't fall and she got to your house first.

"It's Omegle time." Sasha said in a creepy voice. You walked inside through the backdoor, and you threw your bookbag on the table.

"Hey (f/n)." You mom said.

"Mind if we use your computer?" You ask.

"Yeah, it's in my room." Your mom said. You and Sasha ran to your mom's room, where the laptop was sitting on her bed.

"Just one person." You say, typing in Omegle. It asked for one of your interests.

"Don't you like (interest)?" Sasha asked. You nodded and typed it in. It took a while to connect, but finally a person showed up. He looked like he was about your age, and he had beautiful turquoise eyes.

"I-I'm Eren." The boy said.

"This is (f/n)!" Sasha said, pointing at you.

"Where are you from?" Eren asked. Great, this was probably a killer wanting to murder you, but you trusted your gut.

"Indiana." You reply.

"Oh, I live in Germany." Eren said, looking down.

"Eren!!! I need help!!" You heard a male voice scream in the background.

"Hold on Armin!!" Eren screamed back.

"Before I go, can I get your skype or something?" Eren asked. You nodded and gave him it.

"Bye, Eren." You say, waving. He waved back and disconnected.

"You like him, don't you?" Sasha asked. You giggled and replied yes.

"I knew it!" Sasha said. You heard a knock on the door, and you ran to it. Sasha pushed you against the window to see who it was. Marco was standing there.

"Dammit Sasha!" You managed to say, while you were squished against the window. Sasha quickly ran over to the door and opened it, while Marco ran inside.

"It's freezing outside." Marco said, shivering.

"Just come in." You say. Marco was one of your good friends ever since kindergarden.

"I was walking to Jean's house, since my car wouldn't start. Mind driving me there?" Marco asked.

"Yeah, sure." You said. You told your mom that you were going to Jean's house to hang out, and you went to your car.

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