Chapter 14 - The Institute Pt. 3/5

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Tatsuya P.O.V

     I was looking through my binoculars when Hyotaru tapped my left shoulder, I turned and looked at him.

Hyotaru: "It's time for you to go, sir, we will take care of this position now, HQ have already confirmed with the PSIA, you're going to meet a man named "Kitagawa Tsuneyo"

Tatsuya: "I see, thank you for your reports, I will be going inside now."

Hyotaru: "Good luck, sir."

Tatsuya: "You too, old man."

     I picked up my gears and climbed down the stairs behind the building, then I walked into the institute. 

     I walked through the VIP lane and the metal detector, I placed my bag on the table with PSIA inspection officers checking it.

PSIA Inspection Officer: "Sir, may I have your ID card, please?"

Tatsuya: "Aye, here you go."

     I grabbed my DIH ID card from my pocket then I handed him my DIH ID card, he grabbed it and immediately returned it, he appears to be briefed prior to this that I was coming.

PSIA Inspection Officer: "I see then, sir, good luck inside, sir."

Tatsuya: "Thanks."

     I placed my DIH ID card back into my pocket, then I grabbed my bag and walked inside, I noticed someone was waiting for me by the corner, there was no mistaking it, it was Y/n, wearing glasses, now that's a rare sight, he noticed me and walked up to me.

Y/n: "I was just informed five minutes ago that you were here, Tatsuya."

Tatsuya: "Is that how you welcome a close friend, Y/n?"

Y/n: "Maybe, but it is nice to meet you after so long, Tatsuya."

Tatsuya: "Yeah, it's nice to meet you too, Y/n."

Y/n: "Come, we can talk along the way."

     He started walking inside, so I followed him, the Institute itself was well made and it looks fascinating. 

Y/n: "I just heard you practiced in an exercise with a USNA special forces, was it the Army Special Forces or the Army Rangers?"

Tatsuya: "Neither of those, it was the SFOD-D"

Y/n: "So it was the Delta Force then, wish I could've been there."

Tatsuya: "You could have been there if you accepted the invitation from the DIH HQ that posted you for a temporary post there and in the JGSDF."

Y/n: "You know, I am not really into the military stuffs, do they still want me anyways."

Tatsuya: "They are still waiting for your answer back there."

Y/n: "Then keep them waiting."

Tatsuya: "Sure, also, those glasses you're wearing, I guess, you're trying to blend in with a new name PSIA gave you today?"

Y/n: "Yeah, I don't think it's gonna work that well."

Tatsuya: "Whatever, Y/n, where are we going?"

Y/n: "We're going to go wait for the Fazel Academy group at Gate 6, they should be arriving soon."

Tatsuya: "So, you're in charge of the Fazel Academy group? That's interesting, lots of westerners in that group then."

Y/n: "Mhm, including Sonia."

Tatsuya: "Sonia's here too?"

Y/n: "Take a look at this list and you'll know."

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