Part 4

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Me and the others went straight to the office where Mr. Nakamura was sitting with a bandaged up Hiromi Okano and a stunned looking Nakama.

" so girls. From now on you will be without Ms. Nakama here. She has gravely injured another person for the third time which is very very forbidden. I'm horrible sorry to report this but she is being kicked out of the orphanage. I stood there along with the others probably just as stunned as Nakama was. She was being kicked or!? 

" b-but wait..." kana started to speak but closed her mouth when she laid her eyes on Okano. Bandages were wrapped everywhere on her. How the- did Nakama do that and still get to class before us!? I secretly screamed out. After that everything was a blur. Nakama was taken by the arm out the room and we never saw her. The other girl Hiromi Okano was taken by the nurse who wheeled her away in a chair. I stood next to Kana as she had started to sort of cry. She just have known Nakama her entire life. It was like me and my family. When they had been taken away from me I was heart broken...

A year later

In the last year three people had been placed in our room and then soon after adopted. Today was my birthday. I woke up early and noticed that everyone in my room wasn't there. It was as if they'd disappeared. I wondered where they were. Without really thinking I stepped out into the hallway and went down the hall to the cafeteria. When I pushed the doors open I stopped only tracks. There was a banner in the hall the ready.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY OCHAKO-CHAN!" I paused and left the room before knocking on the door.

Suzy opened it and smiled tightly welcoming me in. This time I smiled widely and thanked all of them. They led me to a seat at one of the tables. I smiled when I saw the cookies that had been poured into a plate. We dug in and that was our so called breakfast. 

Classes went well but after them or well more like right before they ended we were called to the Headmasters office. Shrugging at each other we gathered our things and left and. Onishi's classroom. When we got to the room there was another girl about our age with half blue half white. I smiled at her.

" well girls from today on, this young lady, Hokai Karito. Her quirk is called Collapse and it breaks anything." Mr. Nakamura said. I looked at the girl. I thought that her name was strange Hokai meaning Collapse and Karito meaning Reaper. It was like her name was bad luck or something. She smiled sweetly at all of us. 

The next few days Karito-San was super nice but the day that it all happened and she lost it was the first day she actually went to the cafeteria. Apparently Karito-San isn't very good with crowds. Neither was I but in a different way then Karito.

" there's so many people.... too many people.... I hate it...... I wish they wouldn't be so many of them.... make them all go away!" She whispered. As she did the air around her grew warm then freezing then boiling and back the freezing until a loud crack was heard above us. I looked up and dragged Maruyama and Suzy our of the falling and crumbling rocks but barely missed Kana's clothing and didn't reach her in time.

No where left to run( depressed Ochako)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt