Part 13

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Just so you know the girl above is Konya Suzu. Her when she still was in the orphanage and what she looks like currently. It's only a rough sketch because I was bored.


~time skip an hour after the whole house was destroyed~

A ton of the butlers and maids were killed. I knew that because of the horrible stink of blood everywhere. The police had begun to question everyone who remained. I looked around for Suzu who had been standing next to me the second before. I look around desperately looking for where she was. I feel someone tap my shoulder. Spinning around I notice that Mina-chan was looking at me with worry in her eyes. how could she not be scared and worried for what just happened.

"D-do you know where Konya-chan is?" she asked me. I shake my head telling her that I didn't know where she was. 

"She was here a second ago then just took off going somewhere. Also where is Teruko-san?" I asked, Mina looked confused.

"Maruyama-san." I explain. she nods than looks up as if thinking to where she might be.

" I haven't seen her since the house fell down. I wonder if she's still-" I cut her off by running to the ruined house.

"TERUKO!!!" I shouted though I knew even if she could hear me she wouldn't be able to respond. 

"TERUKO MARUYAMA!!!" I scream while going up to where the grand door used to be. thats when I see a horrible sight. not again...please not again... Please.... 

I run over to where suzu-chan was hovering over a limb looking body. As I drew near I noticed that the persons arm was detached from their body. And the arm belonged to Teruko. I run over tears already filling my eyes. NO. 

"Ochako!! S-shes dead!!" cried Suzu looking at me with a horrible look that made my heart shatter once again. NOT AGAIN! 

"A-are you sure?!" I wonder kneeling down by the clearly dead girl. her hair was sprawled all over her. The school uniform she was wearing was bloody and tattered. I began to cry as I look to see that her right leg was twisted at a painful angle that should've been possible. her left arm was detached from her body and was still spilling out blood. I couldn't even look at her. PLEASE NOT AGAIN. I turn my head away collapsing myself onto the ground curling into a small ball. my entire world was crumbling and falling apart. WHY HER!!! If I was there could I have saved her? I wondered. my quirk could've helped her out a bit but no. I was an idiot and thought of only getting myself to safety. WHY DO I HAVE TO LOSE MY FAMILY AGAIN? 

"私は何の権利を行うことができない、このような悲惨な雌犬です!!! 私は何の権利を行うことができない、このような悲惨な雌犬です!!! (I'm such a wretched bitch who can't do anything correctly) 私が優れていたなら、私は彼女を救ったかもしれないよりも!(if I was better than I could've saved her!)" I shouted trying not to force the tears back into my eyes. but they just went on spilling out. 

I guess I didn't realize but some of the house had been leaning on the bent out of shape door we were under. when it began to fall I didn't notice. neither did Suzu. but when it hit us we both noticed and it wasn't the kind of noticing that I like it's the kind that makes you feel stupid and makes your entire body hurt like hell.

No where left to run( depressed Ochako)Where stories live. Discover now