Part 11

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The rest of the week past quickly and on Friday After school all the girls from my class got there things met up with me at the entrance to the school as we waited for my fake siblings.

"Suzu!" I whisper under my breath when all of them came into view. Suzu and Maruyama were  in their school uniforms while Nakama-chan was in something that made her look like a gath princess minus the bright pink hair that was tied behind her in a short braid. my guess was that Suzu-chan was the one who gave her the braid. somehow it made me a tad jealous. why couldn't Suzu-chan do my hair?

"there they are." I say to the girls. They smile.

"uh I thought you said that you had another sister." Hagakure-san said scaring me from behind.

"Uh.. well she's...she died...." I whisper though I wasn't exactly paying attention to Hagakure or the question. Mina had begun to jump up and down smiling. I stared at her yellow horns. I really wanted to know if they were soft or not. 

"I'm sorry for your loss." I hear somewhere behind me. as my fake sisters approached and began to introduce themselves to my school 'friends'. I watched as Nakama tried reaching for Hagakure's hand but missing which made Suzu and Mina giggle. I realized they shared a similar smile. I look down my cheeks going pink.

"what's wrong Ochako-chan?" I hear Suzu say. I shake my head.

"Nothing just a small laughing fit." I explain. 

~time skip~

we made it all to Yaoyorozu's house. She opened the door to what looked like a mansion. I took in the sight trying to image it as my own home. I found myself staring at a portrait of an young and beautiful woman who resembled Yaoyorozu-san.

"Hey who's that?" I ask her. she smiles,

"that's my great great grandmother when she was 20. Her name was Hiina Yaoyorozu." said Yaoyorozu before leading the group into her giant room. I flopped on her enormous queen like bed. 

"so what do you wanna do?" Mina asked flopping beside me. I look away only to see Suzu. 
"Idk." answered Hagakure. I didn't know what IDK meant so I naturally just said it as well hoping it was something good.

"darn none fo you know what to do.." complained Mina-chan. we all sat in silence for a few moments until Nakama smirked.

"I've got an idea.. It involves something that none of us have done guys. but you must have played it before. Dare or truth.." She says. Jiro who had been sitting the the corner listening to music and drinking from her water bottle had a momentary laughing/gagging fit.

"You alright there Jiro-san?" I asked her. she nods.
"But seriously you've never played Truth or dare?" She asked stunned when we nod our heads.

"Well then let's play together. I'll explain the rules to you all!"

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