Part 8

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I stared at Maruyama stunned at what she was signing to me. how is that even possible.

"Hey Midoriya-san, what is All Might's quirk?" I asked him. his eyes darted around and then he stared at me as if trying to come up with a good enough excuse.

"I dunno." he admits though his eyes were still scared and desperate looking.

"Well does it matter? I need some goddamn shut eye." muttered Nakama flopping onto a beanbag in the corner snuggling up in it. I looked to the two boys, asking with my eyes if that was okay.

"make yourselves at home." Todoroki said then took out some study things beginning to help his boyfriend with work. me, Suzu and Maruyama went to where Nakama had already fallen asleep. we somehow snuggled up together. my head was laying on Suzu's stomach. 

The next time my eyes snapped open was wen Suzy was tapping my shoulder to wake me up. I looked around for a moment to Jennifer remembered what had happened the day before. Todoroki and Midoriya were gone and so were Maruyama and Nakama.

" hey, where'd the others all go?" I asked Suzy. She nodded outside.

"They are getting breakfast ready. I was letting you sleep but when the idea of starting school possibly at UA for you I got excited and went to wake you up!" Suzy smiles. She helped me up and told me about the plan. 

" so really? You think I have a shot at getting into a hero school?" I asked after Suzy explained to me how she and Nakama had already picked out a school along with Maruyama. But they had all agreed that my gravity manipulations quirk would be perfect thing to be a hero. Maruyama's quirk could be ether but she hated using it but did only when we asked. Hashimoto had been quirkless and the other two just rarely ever used their quirks.

" I'm gonna think about it..." I say while sitting down at the breakfast table. Todoroki had left after studying with Midoriya since something had come up with family stuff as Midoriya put it. He had gone to bed and when he woke up Nakama was already up twirling her thumbs and looking at the ceiling as if it were the most interesting thing ever.

" well you guys can't live here so we need to either get you jobs for an apartment or sent you all off somewhere. Like another orphanage." Midoriya said sweetly. 

~time skip after Midoriya got back from school and the other three somehow got into the school they had chosen.~

I walked home with my friends plus Midoriya as he explained that to get to the local orphanage just down the road you had to turn left then make two right and it  would be in the left hand side. 

"Hey, Suzy-Chan? Are you sure we should go there!" I asked her. I stared at the girls yellow hair a second longer than needed but quickly glanced away when Nakama raised an eyebrow at me.

" yes. We should all go together. And over the next few days you can decide weather you'd honestly rather join the boring high school or learn to become a rocking hero."  Suzu smiles at me. I nod and nod to the rest of my friends. We were gonna try and register at the orphanage.

After getting some food at the Midoriya's household we departed and walked down the road to the orphanage. It was a large building that almost looked kinda like a prison. I shivered and slightly grabbed at Suzu's Arm for comfort. Nakama nocked on the front entrance and a woman in a uniform with long blue hair pinned tightly in a high bun with a clip board looked ya up and down.

" who are you rug rats!?" The woman barked. 

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