Part 5

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I heard a harsh scream and then something warm and red splattered onto my face. Blood the blood of Kana. Is she alive? I couldn't tell from the destruction all around me. more screaming was heard as the building the entire orphanage began to collapse. cracks and screams and blood went every which way. I tried to look for Kana but didn't see her. she was probably dead. my friend just died. infront of me. I felt a prick of sadness as more tumbling rocks seemed to move in slow motion down to crush us. I was thankful for my quirk. it held most of the rocks at bay as we got out to safety without Kana. she was still inside. still inside.

"No. don't go back in." a note was shoved into my hands by Maruyama. she looked at me tears were in her eyes.

"No, I'm sorry Teruko Maruyama. but I have to go back in and get Kana." I whispered more to myself then to her. before any other them were able to hold me back I raced back into the crumbling building into where I thought the cafeteria used to be. I made it and noticed that blood was splattered everywhere. I searched for any sign of life in the disaster. I helped a young child with long blue hair get unstuck and sent her on her way to safety. I looked around for a little longer until I stopped dead frozen in place. a completely shocked face with glazed over eyes stared at me. the person was a girl around my age with long gray hair that fell into her face. if the girl was standing it would've gone all the way to her waist. The face that stared at me in a dead gloomy horrible stare was Hashimoto Kana. one of my best friends. One of my only friends. A sharp tear fell down my cheek followed by a hundred no, thousands more. I think that I could have gone blind from crying if it were even possible. 

(years later age, 16)

The rest of us had been living on the run for the last few years. beggin for food or money. Suzu had lost her spirit, Nakama had lost hope in ever finding her so called beloved Noah-kun. she was depressed. Maruyama didn't even sign or write small notes. she was isolated to herself. I myself regretted everything. screaming word still fill my eyes and when the screaming stopped all I saw was a shaking and scared bloody looking Kana reaching to me for help her hair covering her ask if trying to keep warm. the weird thing was that as I got older her visions also did so. It was as if she were an aging dead human. scary to think about. 

"come on everyone I think we've made it to where I was born. Tokyo." I say to them. they nod emotionlessly. It was around noon and the day was unknown to all of us. We wandered around town stopping under a tree where a blue building with tons of windows was. At maybe three or four in the afternoon people around our age and a little older filed out of the building talking and wearing uniforms. I guessed we had stopped infront of some sort of school. Suddenly a boy with curly green hair and bright green eyes along with another boy taller with half white half red hair were infront of us. 

"hello there! are you guys lost?" asked the greenette. I looked at the others. no one could be trusted. not a single soul but each other. he wasn't one of us. neither was the halfie boy.

"Yeah, though it's not like we need your stupid help." Nakama snorted. her pink hair had been placed in a high ponytail. it had grown out a lot since the last time we'd met a pair of scissors for cutting hair.

"O-oh, really? I'm sorry. are you sure that you don't want any help finding your way back home?" he asked. home? what was a home again? I had forgotten the meaning of a simple thing that most had.

"What?" Suzu asked tilting her head. the boys eyes slightly widened at the sight of our confused faces.

"You know a place to live. your home?" he said to us. oh, the orphanage. the place I used to called home. the older one where me and the people that are called parents or mother and father that was a bust. it killed people that home. no it was the villains who killed them. I couldn't remember a thing. at this point all I knew was to run hide and stay with my pack. 

"come on Izu it's worthless. they obviously don't want or need our help. lets just go to your house and study for the upcoming test. I know that you actually need this help. Yaoyorozu would've helped you if you hadn't been in the bathroom when she put the sign up sheet. and it's not like you'll even get much done with me helping. especially since i'm your boyfriend." the halfie boy stated. they were gay? cool. I thought to myself trying to get back to my feet but forgetting about how when running a couple days ago I had injured my ankle. I fell back down. everyone looked to me.

"Peppermint. don't try and stop me. they need help whether they like it or not. and well, i'll be giving them that help." the greenette smiled at his boyfriend before kneeling down to our level.

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