Part 14

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Horrible sketch above is Uraraka 

-- years later

You always know that something bad happened when you wake up at your own funeral. correction you wake up at yours and your best friend/crushes funeral along with Maruyama's. I don't know what happened when I blacked out or uh died but here I was laying in a coffin with people looking at you as well as crying over you. I didn't know very many people so I didn't know why people I didn't know were gathered around my dead body. I also wasn't exactly connected to my body I could get out of the coffin if I wanted to and since I wanted to I did. Floating in a very in-human way I lifted out of the coffin and took a look around. I was floating and my hair was much longer than it should've been. I then look back down at the round and see that there was only one person at the funeral. actually it was just a gravestone. I wondered where everyone had gone. But what I did see crushed my heart even more then it should've I mean like I was dead so yeah. 

Nakama Yuriko was sitting at my gravestone holding out white flowers and laying them down she smiled and began to speak. I listened to her words carefully.

"well It's been exactly 16 years since you died. and today is supposed to be the day that your soul wakes up again. I mean according to the myth that was told to us back at the orphanage... you were sixteen when you died and now you are 32. actually I'm 32 years old. I don't know what really to say to you. I wonder if you can even hear me or if you have gone to visit Kana-chan. She's been awake for awhile  hasn't she. But I want you to know something. I-i'm the only one of us left and saying that is hard. I want you to know that even though I might not visit your grave all the time I'll try to as much as I can. I have a job and a daughter, Her name is Kanasuko. If you didn't realize this when I first told you her name. Her name is the result of Kana Hashimoto, Suzu Konya and you, Ochako Uraraka. She is seven years old which means I had her when I was 25. I have a husband named Hitoshi Shinso. Actually my name is Yuriko Shinso. this boy went to that special school of yours, UA and he was kinda like me. He actually lost both his parents at a young age and was sent to live with his mentor or his teacher. Not that you can see this or anything but here is a framed photo of my daughter,

The last thing I wanted to say that while we all lived we were stray kids on the run but we never had a place to run

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The last thing I wanted to say that while we all lived we were stray kids on the run but we never had a place to run. some of us got to the end of our ropes and had No where left to run.

No where left to run( depressed Ochako)Where stories live. Discover now