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I just died. Hit by a car because some moron couldn't help but look at his phone instead of the road, and now I'm dead. Slowly, as my vision slipped, I felt a weird tingling.

Suddenly, my eyes began to open slightly. Maybe I didn't die, but just got a concussion or coma. As I look around, I look at my body. I look down to see air swirling, in the shape of a body, and in the middle is a gem. A hexagon shaped one. I also, don't seem to have eyes.

Okay, I'm definately in a coma, but lets enjoy this while I can. I got up and noticed I could control the air, but I wasn't the air. I think I was the gem, as it was the only thing I could feel from.

I looked over and saw tree that seemed to be a decent size. I put my gem into my hand and press it against the tree. As I do so, the tree slowly glows and disappears into my gem. That was weird. Whatever. I move my gem back to my check, without touching it.

Slowly, I begin walking through the forest, making trees disappear here and there. Even did it to a bee hive. Quite fun to see those bugs get whats coming to them. Eventually, I hear a low buzzing that keeps getting louder and louder. I turn around to see a Giant Wasp flying at me. It was even bigger than a human. It aimed right for my chest as it was about to sting me.

Immediately, instinct took over, as the only thought I could think was don't let it break the gem. I moved the gem to the right of the stinger, and then spun my fist at impressively fast rates. I punch it in the horrific head as it practically explodes from the impact.

I start looking in confusion wondering what that was, only to start hearing more buzzing. Being unexperienced in fighting, I just tried to recreate that feeling again. I quickly ran to them and chopped their wings off. Then making a U-turn and coming back for their heads. I look for their nest, not wanting to have these things become a repeated problem.

As I looked I absorbed some more trees. I didn't really know why, maybe because of boredom. Eventually, I came upon a crater, that had a giant wasp hive. I didn't know how I'd make it in, until an idea came to me. I had all the wind that surrounded my gem, start spiralling upwards. Soon, I'm flying, but not well. I get a few more tries, before some Wasp notice me and attack.

I'm soon left with pure intuition while fighting in the air. I'd release burst from my hands to avoid them. I soon start spinning the air around us, and then suddenly pull it in crushing all the wasps in the trap. I soon flew into the hive, to see a lot of honey, and the Queen Wasp. I started to think about Wasps not being able to make honey, but then I remember that some can.

Before I can speak, the Queen Roars and as soon as she does, I hear more buzzing outside the hive. As I looked away I realised my mistake as my form was smashed into honey. I move my gem to the sticky substance on instinct as a claw was begining to smash down upon me. Quickly, as the claw fell, I felt it go through me, but it was weird. As I look down I see...

Reincarnated as an elementalWhere stories live. Discover now