Chapter 10

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Me and Shi were in a forest.

It was quiet to say the least. Considering I didn't talk and Shi almost never spoke. I was quite bored and willing to do anything for it to stop. Suddenly a green aura flared to life in front of us. A human with a green aura around her appeared in front of us.

"Leave immediately, or face the consequences." She says. I wanted to reply, but I couldn't. "Oh, what a goody two shoes." Shi says.

"I said leave demon. Or I'll be forced to fight." She says. I then point to myself.

"What about you? I'm sure some guardsmen from a town nearby could destroy a lowly elemental such as yourself. I mean, I have the power of all life in this forest." She says to me.

I punch her, and she blocks, but she is sent back a few feet. Her eyes look shocked. "OWWWW!!!" She screams. "You'll pay for that!!!" She yells. Suddenly, vines and roots from the trees surrounding us latch on to me, but they were struggling to to get me off the ground. I absorbed them and then looked over to the green lady.

She was screaming in pain, then launching herself at me, and punching, succeeding to send me back a few feet as well, into a tree, which she immediately had all the wood from the tree and the surrounding ones to hold me in place.

She punches me over and over again non stop. I turn to metal and then I hear her scream again. She then starts looking less and less human as she becomes more of a green energy humanoid.

"I'll kill you!!!" She screams as she blast energy at me non stop. I go back to my crystal form and then each laser disappears into me, as she attacks. I slam my foot into the ground and feel the roots. Suddenly I absorb the entire forest and she stops glowing and falls to the ground.

I grab her by the neck and in one moment, she's dead. I absorbed her body, and fundamentally, her power. From what I can understand, I can only use it in the wooden form, since her powers are drawn from the forest. The more trees in the forest, the more powerful she is, and I absorbed a lot of wood, so I'm guessing I have a lot of power.

I turn around to see Shi just standing there looking impressed.

"I know your curious so I'll answer your question now. That was a guardian. They're like elementals but stronger. They come in all sorts of different types, but they're very rare and there's only one per element. Once they die, their energy is released so the next guardian can be made. But since you stole her energy before she could lose it, so you're technically a guardian as well." He said.

I pulled out the map and drew a question mark in the air. "We'll need a different map to find them, and luckily for you, I have business with them, so I guess it's our priority to take care of them." He said.

We started heading off, and I was excited. That guardian was an amazing fighter. I want to have power like that so I could surpass gods. If there are any, or more than one. I doubt a guardian is anywhere close to a god, but it's a start. And since it took seven days to create the earth, then their power must have some limit.

Or aliens are what created the world, but who knows. I'm pretty sure it wasn't aliens that created this world, but I can never be sure. Not yet anyways. Shi seems like a playful, yet mature demon. He only gets violent if you force him to, he can be a bit rude at first but he grows on you.

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