Chapter 15

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We were resting for the night, cooking food over a large fire. What were we cooking? A large deer with crystals for antlers.

Now it didn't have those antlers. It did shoot a laser beam at me with them, which I absorbed before I killed it. Now we were roasting it over an open fire. Or should I say, they were roasting it over an open fire. That fire, just so happened to be me.

Once they finished eating, they slept, as I stood and watched over them. I heard some skittering as I looked around. Creatures were crawling towards them. A large swarm of beetles. I turned back into fire and zoomed around me and my friends, creating a circle of fire.

The bugs walked through seemingly unharmed. I turned into my tree form and used the life energy to crush them completely in mystical vines that sprouted from my fingers.

I continued to do this for a while, until I saw some dig up from under us. I use my tendrils to dig them up and crush them. I lift my friends off the ground as I crush the oversized cock roaches.

Note to self, don't let them sleep on the ground of a barren wasteland again. Eventually they start to only come after me since they can't find the others. I turn to the soul stealing crystal as they attack me.

It was a lot easier when you have a kill aura. I eventually hear some rumbling as the group disperses. Suddenly the ground below me caves in as I find myself in a large cave with these insects and what appears to be their Queen which was a lot larger.

I absorb the Queen's soul and my thin body extends the claw the fingers and kills of the rest of the pest. I get above ground to see my friends still pleasantly sleeping on my aura.

I get rid of it as the fall to the ground.

"Ouch, what was that..." She stopped as she looked at the ground which was full of small holes, a large hole filled with other small tunnels, and a scorch mark circling where they went to sleep.

"What did we miss?" Shi asked in a nonchalant way. "Nothing. Now let's get moving before something else crawls out of the earth and tries to kill us." I say.

We started walking. I heard a small rumble in the earth after a while. I tossed Aqua to Shi as a giant worm smashes out of the sand, me consumed inside it. I turned into fire as the insides of the monster burned. The creature dies and I absorb it to find myself buried in the earth.

I fly out and immediately go over to Shi. "Are giant monsters that pop out of the earth regular here or what?" I say. "They actually are quite common in wastelands like this." He says.

I see a sand storm and if I had a mouth you could see I had a very big smile on my face. I turn into sand and carry them to it.

"I'm not sure what you're doing but I trust you." Aqua says. I jump into the storm and control it with my sand and all the other sand, using in to carry us to our destination. Once we stopped I absorbed all the sand in the storm...



... and accidentally all the sand in the desert as all the sand worms hit the rocky ground. The struggles and squirmed. Then I looked and saw bugs crawling up the giant worms. Chaos broke out in the former wasteland.

"Okay. So my instincts are telling my that this is what I'm after." I say as a see a weird globe in front of me.

"So what is it?" Aqua asks. "I don't know. However I'm thrilled to see my journey come to an end. See you in the afterlife... hopefully." I say as I grab the orb. I absorb it and just like that, everything was gone except the stars.





Do you wish to reincarnate with your abilities or not?

I was confused at first, but I didn't want to miss out on this opportunity so I accepted with my abilities.

This was going to be fun, wherever I end up next.

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