Chapter 9

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We were heading to another town, which if we waited at long enough, maybe an hour or 2 we could meet another elemental. Kill another elemental. I mean, their mute and I don't exactly think their sentient other than their need to balance/destroy the world.

The Earth elemental didn't even attempt communication. Any form of it for that matter. Then again I did smash it's head before it could talk. I also shattered it's chest open.

Is it's crystal just made bigger when it's created? Does it's crystal grow as it does. How come I haven't grown. Maybe because I don't want to be a giant target for attacks. Or my human-ish soul is making me stay at my relative size.

I mean, for all I know, they don't have souls. I probably couldn't communicate with them, since they don't seem to understand or speak english. I can't even speak. So whats it matter? Last I checked I didn't have any form of telepathy.

I mean, if I get some sort of electrical powers to send my thoughts directly to their heads, by manipulating  their brain waves then I guess I could have some form of telepathy. Maybe we can talk from gem to gem contact. Whatever.

I'd try but that could end up getting me killed, and I don't want to die. Besides, they themselves would die once the world did, so I was free to kill them. Maybe god is smiling upon me for my actions that will cleanse this planet.

Or the devil is smiling at my massive rampage that goes against everything holy. Whatever. I mean, if Shi can leave the underworld because a dumb cult of dumb people summoned him, couldn't the same happen for me. Or I might just absorb the underworld.

I mean, if I can. Shi seems to have enough of a physical form. Then again, he looks more like a human cosplaying than a demon. But demons are just dead humans who've sinned. Or are they just creatures which were once alive which have sinned.

I have no idea if the idea of sins apply to animals. But it doesn't really matter, now does it. For all I know it might be impossible for me to die of age. I mean, as long as I keep myself nice and tidy I'm sure I'll be fine.

I consider what would happen if I was like regular elementals. I'd probably end up dead a long time ago only to wake up reincarnated in my old boring world that needs the same correction which I'm bestowing upon this universe, or is this a different dimension.

I'd give up my life any day if it meant I got to stay here. Real life is either really boring or a burden. Sure there are some people who are able to live a good life but here where men can have the powers of god then do you really think your old life could compare to it.

I don't think so. I wonder how many others were reincarnated into different worlds. Maybe they became animals unable to communicate to humans, children who forgot who they were by the time they learned to speak, or claimed crazy by the people of this strange alien society.

Or, there are other worlds in which need the same cleansing as this one, and once I'm done here, I'll deal with them. But all of this is hypothetical.

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