Chapter 6

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My friend woke up this morning and soon we began travelling. It was quite fun honestly. Hunting monsters was very fun, but some of them can be so weak like skeletons or goblins. The Skeleton King's speed was pretty impressive, but if you were to punch him while he was racing at you, you'd win.

I was looking at the map for a challenge. Then one appeared on the map right where we should be. I showed it to my friend and he seemed to look surprised at it.

"Wow, it seems some people want you dead." He said. I nodded. I want to ask his name, but I realised a while ago that they didn't right in english here. Atleast, I can see my stats in english.

We kept walking. Eventually we reached a town, and a lot of people were looking at me. Some of them tried killing me. I just dodged and punched. Knocking them out. I didn't take there weapons though, absorbing them would probably just raise the suspecions and price on my head.

I stayed still, I would prefer if the world was less racist. I mean, I didn't attacked anyone, they attacked me. I guess this is just how humans are meant to be. Meant to treat anything they don't understand with viloence.

While this isn't the case for all humans, it is the case for most of them. I'm considering ending the whole world honestly. Why? Balance. You can't expect humans to save this world, because even if they care now, they'll eventually become like the humans in my world, and I'd prefer that day never come.

So, if humans are going to end the world themselves, why should I try to save them? I should probably end them. They were told they were killing the world, but most of them didn't care. I doubt my world will or did save itself.

Eventually my friend came out of the inn. "Somethings off with you. You seem to want to destroy more." He said. I nodded.

"While, go ahead. A demon like me would be happy to see this place fall to ruins." He said. The moment he finished his sentence I absorbed the whole town before going after the survivors. Fires started from the fight and once I was done, I had a lot more fire in my arsonal, and that didn't even include all the fire I absorb that was a biproduct of the fight.

My friend however was laughing. "Oh my gosh. You really showed them. I haven't seen someone do something so destructive out of nowhere since I died." He said laughing in between words. I walked past him. Next town, would probably be the same. My stone and metal forms are probably a lot stronger now.

I can imagine them being stronger than any weapon on my old planet. I can probably survive anything someone throws at me, so I'll stay in my crystal form. It wouldn't be fun if there was no risk. I pull out my stats again.

Name: Soshi Kingu

Species: Elemental

Level: 83/100

Speed: 70 (400 Flight)

Attack: 500

Defense: 500 (Metal 5000)

Hp: 15000

Skills: Absorbtion, Venom Sting, Venom Slash, Sweet Auroma, Air Blast, Hurricane, Sandstorm, Max Punch, Max Stomp, Roots, Echo Location, Flight, Teamwork, Fire Armour, Pyrokinesis, Total Absorbtion.

My skills didn't really change all that much, but I pointed to the word, name. Then to my friend.

"Oh, how rude of me to not even entreduce myself. My names Shi." He said. His name literally means death. This was going to be a long journey.

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