Chapter 2

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As I looked down I saw... that I was made of honey. I didn't have time to question it, but it seems that the honey confused the Queen. She most likely assumed I was dead, and got on with what she thought was more important business.

I slowly crawled up the walls and onto the ceiling of the hive, before dropping onto the Queen's wings. The honey was so sticky she couldn't flap me off. Then more Wasps flew in. I quickly surrounded the honey all around the Queen, and as they started attacking more and more got stuck injuring their Queen, and others. Then I started compressing the honey, as the wasps tried to escape. Then... they were compressed into a tiny ball, that I absorbed with the gem.

I slowly slipped out of the hive, all honey gone, when I tried something. I turned back into the air. I suddenly rised and as I flew above the hive, I (after several repeated attempts) made a condensed ball of air, and blasted it at the hive. The peices crumbled to the ground and I smiled, or tried to.

Now, back to what I did. I managed to change myself... No, the air surrounding my gem into honey. Then I think about the Gem. Anything it touches disappears, and I only turned into the honey form when I collected enough, and needed to change.

I try changing into the trees I absorbed, and before I knew it, I was made of wood. This form was slow, but easier to blend in with at the time in the middle of the forrest. I looked over to the hive I crushed, before walking away. I started walking away from the debree, looking for something to absorb.

I absorbed trees here and there, not to many because I wanna keep the ecosytem balaced. I eventually reach a small lake which I just sort of stand on the edge of. I couldn't really see the threats in the water in this form, since it uses it's feet to sense vibrations through the earth like echo location.

I heard some people approaching, so I stood completely still, hoping they'd confuse me with a tree.

"See, I told you there'd be an elemental in this forest." One of them said.

"Why's it standing still?" Another one of them asked.

"It doesn't matter, lets just kill it and collect our reward." One of them readied a bow and arrow. Once it fired, I just leaned back and caught it without moving my feet. He fired over and over again getting quite upset that he couldn't hit me. One of them charged me with an axe, so I grew a root under his leg causing him to trip.

As he fell forward I moved my fist and punched him in the face as well as grabbing his axe. I move my gem to my hand so once the axe head is gone, it looks like I broke it. I then absorb the handle into my body. I can only assume they look at me with shock.

"Quick, cast that spell." One of them said. I try to find the one without a weapon, which happens to be someone with their hand cast out towards me. Suddenly, a jet of fire appears from his hand, which I barely block. Suddenly I have the roots I sank into the ground grab onto him. Then I did it to the rest before walking away.

As I walked, I realised something. I felt pain. That this world, is real. Once I think I'm far enough away from them, I turn into an air elemental and fly. I then mentally checked what I absorbed. Metal, wood, honey, water, air, and wasps. Not a very long list, and I don't think I have enough water or metal to take on a real form.

I see a beach with an ocean, as I'm flying. Why not stop by for a visit.

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