Chapter 12

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We were on our way to the volcano and there since neither of us didn't really feel temperatures it was kind of awkward. While walking we saw a giant elemental crash into the earth. It was made of fire. I kept walking and absorbed it. I then turned to see what tossed them into the earth, and it just so happened to be the person I was looking for. 

I fire haired girl with orange eyes and what looked to be a burning robe.

"A demon and another elemental. This day just never ends does it." She says. She blast a fire blast at the both of us. Shi dodges and I absorb the hit, so my guess is all guardians use a small amount of holy energy in their attacks.

"Hey! Why aren't you hurt?!?" She says. She continues to attack me, like I was supposed to be hurt. She then surrounds her fist in fire and tries to punch me, but this time I dodge.

"HOLD STILL!!!" She screams as she attempts to physically attack me. I jump and her fist collides with the earth. The impact was enough to send me flying though. Luckily, I was sent where I needed to be, inside of the volcano.

"Ready to perish?" She asks as she turns orange and zooms at me. I absorb all of the lava in the volcano, which goes to my fire form. Suddenly, as I look up, I don't see her as a regular girl like the forest guardian. She turned into a black stony form.

"W-why?" She choked out. She was clearly in pain. I walked towards her and absorbed the last of her energy. What remained of her body turned to volcanic ash and fell onto the floor of the empty cavern. I turned into the air form and get back to Shi.

"I'm assuming she's dead." He said. I nod. "Good. She always was a brat." He said.

I could tell slightly, but I guess she was going to be like fire if not anything else. Passionate, prideful, deadly. Now I had her power. Or, do they just resemble females but really they have no gender.

I'm not sure. I look up to see a storm was coming. I didn't mind, but then an idea came to me. I handed my bag to Shi and turned into my metalic form. I suddenly tried extending my height by stretching my legs. It did work for the most part, but Shi seemed to be confused. I would be too if I saw what I was doing. I started walking to the storm and once it arrived, lightning struck.

All of it hitting me. I was a giant lightning rod. I used my gem to absorb the lightning as it traveled through me. I'm pretty sure towns nearby the volcano could see me, and were most likely running from me, or sending troops to dispose of me.

I turned into the new lightning form and danced around in the sky, catching lightning from the clouds. Shi took care of a few guards once they arrived. I just sent a bolt down and smited them. They seemed scared by this and ran saying "how does god like this demon".

I killed them before they could get away and continued my dance in the sky. Eventually the storm ended and I landed on the ground. Shi was looking at me, smile on his face.

"Thank you for the help. Most believe lightning is a punishment delivered by god. Their name is Providence, I think. Don't know who serves god more, you or the holy knights. I mean, if they truly despised evil wouldn't they destroy all of it?" Shi asked.

I wanted to explain the story of Adam and Eve to him, but I couldn't speak. "You seem like you want to say something. Here." He says. He snaps his fingers and then I knew in my mind, I could speak.

"You could've done this at any time, but you decided not to?" I ask. "I didn't know if you were capable of speech at first, and then the spell just slipped my mind." Shi said.

"Well, anyways. What I wanted to tell you was the story of Adam and Eve. The first humans to ever walk the earth. God had promised them safety in a garden full of perfection as long as they didn't eat the forbidden fruit from the tree. But Lucifer told them to eat a fruit which happened to be the fruit from the forbidden tree. One thing lead to another and the evils of the outside world were let into the garden. I don't know how much of that is true, or if I even got the story right, but it's what some people believe so it has to have come from somewhere." I say.

Shi seems to consider what I said before seeming satisfied. Then we started going to the sea. This should be interesting, hopefully.

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