Chapter 7

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We were on our way to the next town and I can see my price rise and a few other elementals seem to be on the map now as well. Some stated as prioritized missions.

Maybe it has something to do with the migration. Heh, wouldn't it be fun to fight other elementals. Then again they probably aren't as versatile as me considering they can only use one element, but they must have some incredible powers if they can.

I wonder why they would prioritize elementals, from what that group did in the forest, I'd think they thought elementals would be slow tanks with a weak center. Maybe they thought I was just made. I mean, it would make sense. A low leveled inexperienced elemental would be an easy foe.

Eh, whatever. Me and Shi were traveling to a town, most likely just so he can get food before I destroy the town. He also hasn't used his fire powers the entire time I knew him. I also found out this town had a resovoir. So I guess I'm getting a water form. Hopefully. We arrive at the town, and like the last one people tried to attack me, but this time people started fleeing.

I couldn't say that was unexpected. I did destroy a whole town. I absorbed their weapons and smack those who dared to attack me, and then left them in a comma. Eventually Shi came out looking like he had a satisfying meal.

I looked at him having a bored mood. He didn't seem to get that so the moment he stepped out of the building I absorbed the whole town. I definately had a water form now and Shi just calmly landed on the ground.

"Whats got you so upset?" He asked. I just tap my foot on the ground. "Just impatient eh, must be elemental instincts." He said. I stop and stare at him, and he seems to understand what I mean.

"This time of year, when elementals are formed, the only thing they think of is bringing balance to the world, even if that means destroying it." He said. Well, that'd explain my need to destroy things. Will Shi survive though? I mean, he is a demon, and from what I can tell, he was summoned here. He should have a home in the underworld, right?

Even if he didn't, he seems to be pretty powerful, and since I have no idea what his level is, he might actually be stronger than me. I mean, I'll eventually meet some creature that'll give me the ability to talk, right?

Meh, if I'm going to destroy the world do I even need to talk. But still, it'd be nice to know people better, and the only way I can get to know them better is to talk. So this is quite the lose lose scenario. I was still and only reminded of my surroundings when Shi tapped on my face with his cane.

It was quite amusing. I started walking, him following this time. The moment I step on the grass off the trail vines jump out to restrict my movement. So, a absorbed it, and all plant life in a mile radius.

"So it really is the end of the world?" Shi asks. I look at him. "You're an elemental with the power to change elements and absorb much more then any other elemental can. Humans can barely stop the migration, only reason they do is because they have people with the right gear and spells for the job go after them." Shi  told me.

If that was true then I probably would be capable of destroying the world. All of the elementals were probably capable of destroying the world, but I'd say I have a better chance. Maybe I could kill them for more power as well.

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