Chapter 8

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Me and Shi were walking down the path and we were soon going to run into another elemental. Hopefully. I wonder if it can teach me to talk. Can it talk? Can Elementals in general talk. Probably not.

I steer off the path in search of the elemental. My instincts said I shouldn't attack, however if anything was going to destroy this god forsaken planet, it'd be me. We were walking through a mountain range when I decided to turn into my air form and fly. I turned around to see if Shi could keep up, and to my delight he was jumping through the mountains.

Parkour. Wish I could do that, but all my forms are too heavy or can fly. But hey, I'm probably using a lot less effort. Eventually I saw a tall rocky figure walking towards a town.

It was probably the size of a house and it seemed to be getting bigger with each step. It was impressively large. I launched myself at it, and used my crystal fist to punch it. It started to topple over. I have to say I was unimpressed.

It's stone cracked so easily. I guess I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. I land and suddenly, a wall of stone smacks into me. It didn't phase me too much, as it shattered on impact. I suddenly turned back as it seemed to be increasing it's size before disappearing into the earth.

It was going to try and surprise attack me, that I could tell. What made this fight more interesting is now I have to guess where it's gem is. Suddenly a giant fist appears out of the earth behind me and it's a direct hit. I actually felt that a little, so I realised that this was no time to play around and absorbed the whole mountain range. Then it started falling to the ground and before it crashed into the earth I smashed through it's chest, and it's gem.

I absorbed what was left of the elemental once we hit the ground. I looked around to see Shi floating down a lot slower than I did fall.

"Wow, impressive. Didn't think you'd absorb a whole mountain range when you arrived, but you're full of surprises." He said jokingly. I took out my map and looked at it. It seemed that there's a village close by. I walked towards it and a bunch of guards and adventurers were guarding the town.

"It was an elemental and demon that destroyed the mountains." They said. I just continued approaching. Hopefully I can make use of their armour. They got their weapons and spells ready as we walked towards them. Then suddenly, they charged, as arrows and spells blasted towards us.

I simply absorbed everything that came in contact with me, that also included the people. I'm no longer showing them mercy, and I'm going to end their world so why not?

Eventually, nothing remained of those who were sent to protect the town, and then I absorbed it, and it was gone. I check the map again and my value quadruples. Most likely from the mountain feat. They probably don't know about the village yet, so they probably would increase the price later. Whatever, we set off to the rest of the elementals somewhere. I was hoping to meet someone strong soon, so I could have a little more fun.

But... I just met someone or something strong and instead of trying to have a fair fight, I cheated. He did as well, but I didn't even give him a chance to fight back or even hit the ground, and I was the agressor. But this world isn't meant to be fair. You must do whatever it takes to win, even if it means cheating.

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