Chapter 3

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I land on the sand, and start absorbing it making the beach an inch shorter. I wanted to be as prepared as possible. I didn't want to absorb water here since a lake would be a much better form of restraint. So, being made of sand, I decided to blend into the beach, and slither around on it, eventually, I reached a town. A seaside one. I disguised myself and listened to the talk. 

Then, I head a familiar voice. I turned into wood and traveled into the wall to listed in on their gossip. "We failed to kill the wooded elemental." One of the dudes I beat said.

"Really, how good would you say it was?"  A curious voice asked. "Good. It dodged all of my arrows without moving it's feet." The Archer said.

"Sounds embarrasing." Someone else said. "They also blocked my fire and crushed his axe." Someone else said. "Impressive. We'll send someone out to see if it's still there. Also, we'll check your stats again." Someone says.

Stats? There are stats, like a video game? I follow them, to see how these stats work. But I couldn't see, so I heard. However there wasn't much to go off of. They just held out their hands and I can only assume they appeared.

I'd have to check that later. I kept myself in the wall until it was night fall, and all the adventures had fallen asleep. I snuck through the wall and turned into my air form. Looking around for what I needed to explore the world. A map, a bag, and a compass. I'd take their materials, but that'd be too rude. I turned into the wasp form, which sort of just looked like I was wearing them as armor and flew off.

Looking at the map, I wanted to fight something. Something that could give me a challenge. When I looked at the map, I realized it had quests on it. Magic, am I right?

I look for something close. I should be approaching a cave soon. As I landed at the entrance, I saw multiple ship wrecks making a maze. I just walked through them, using my wooden body. To travel through them. Once I made it through all the ships, there was a massive treasure hold. It was quite impressive. Mountains of gold and jewels. As I approached, one thought came to me. 'If the treasure is supposed to be inside of the ship, that means something moved it.'

I heard a loud creaking, and turned around, instinctively turning into my Wasp form and flying above what came swinging at me. It was a giant hermit crab, with one of the ships as it's shell. I zoom between it's attacks, over and over again.

I leap back after one of it's attacks, and then suddenly rush forward smashing the stingers that made up my nails into the creatures soft skin. It immediately stumbled back, screeching in pain. I took this chance to move my gem and absorb the ship it was using as a shell.

The creature seemed a lot more shy after that so, with a strong push it fell into the sea, running as soon as it fell in. I landed and went over to the ships. I absorbed everything there was to absorb, be it metal or wood. Then, I looked to the giant pile of treasure and absorbed it. Gold and metal possessed the same form, but the crystals seemed to all have changed to the type of gem that was in my chest since for the first time, I can feel what I touch with the outside body.

I start walking out of the cave, looking at the map, and preparing for the journey ahead, whatever that may be.

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