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"My God, Parker," Babington all but ran to him upon his arrival at Bedford Place, embracing him rather too forcefully. Sidney found it suddenly very difficult to breathe. "I thought I'd lost you," he said, his eyes welling up as he stepped away from him, bringing his knuckles to his mouth to quell the sob that threatened to emerge.

"Now, now, Babbers," said the voice of Crowe behind him, "no need to steal the spotlight from our friend with such an embarrassing display of emotion." He stepped forward to greet Sidney properly and leaned into him, "But honestly, old friend, I must know...were you really split open like a piece of overripe fruit fallen from the tree?"

Sidney grimaced in response. "Something like that, yes."

"Then you have recovered well. Very well, indeed," said Crowe, patting him on the arm as if he had just won a trophy, before looking about the room. "Now tell me, Parker...did your Miss Lambe accompany you to London?"

"What?" Sidney's expression turned suspicious, protective, "What would possess you to ask after Miss Lambe?"

"Oh, just curious." murmured Crowe as he craned his neck to look in the adjacent morning room.

"No, Crowe, you are not to be curious about Miss Lambe, is that clear?"

Crowe placed a hand on his shoulder, a look of amusement upon his face, "merely hoping for the chance to admire her is all - nothing more, old friend. Now," he clapped his hands, "do we not have something to deliver, Babbers?"

"Why yes, we do," Babington reached inside his coat and handed a card over to Sidney.

"Babbers, why the devil have I been called to London to attend a ball?" Sidney asked, flipping over the invitation as if he might find the reason on the other side of the card.

"Call it a night out with old friends."

"Without Mrs Campion near. She is still in Paris, is she not?" Crowe asked, his brow furrowed.

"Yes, yes of course. Should be for some time."

"Excellent." Crowe smiled mischievously, "now, are you going to invite us to play a round of cards or shall I have to go in search of your butler to settle us in."

Sidney smiled, realising just how much he had missed their companionship over the past couple of months. "Cards, it is."

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