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A/n: so if you haven't read "Nice Receive" this story is the sequel to that one. And you should check it out ;) If you have read it and you are coming back, welcome I missed you <3

The Haikyuu characters do not belong to me, but this plot does

Y/n's POV

After that day at the barbecue we separated for about two months. Each bank needed time to regroup and refresh from the past events.

I enjoyed myself being back at home. It was nice being with my family and back to working at Karasuno.

Even though the other banks are our allies, I'm still not allowed to walk to work alone. Tsukishima has been taking that on as a responsibility lately. He usually gets up early to walk me, even though I go in an hour or so earlier than them.

This was the last day before we were going to help Fukurodani with the heist. Well, at least some of us.. Each bank had only five representatives to help out. But with a team of 25 it would work out just fine.

For Karasuno, we had: Daichi, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Noya, and me.

For Nekoma, they had: Kuroo, Yaku, Kenma, Yamamoto, and Lev

For Aoba Johsai, they had: Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Kyoutani, Mattsun, and Makki

For Shiratorizawa, they had: Ushijima, Tendou, Semi, Goshiki, and Shirabu

And for Fukurodani, they had: Bokuto, Akaashi, Konoha, Komi, and Sarukui

It was a short list, but we thought these people would be the the most efficient. And later on we might still recruit some others in each bank.

After work, I walked home with Daichi and Suga, talking about the plan for the upcoming plans. As of right now, we didn't know a thing about the heist. We only knew who it was against and how we were all going to benefit from it.

"I'm thinking we should pack heavy in case something happens which makes us need to stay longer," Daichi said and Suga looked to the side. "I mean they only said they need help with the heist. That could include planning too."

"Yeah, I know that it's not going to be an easy task," Sugawara answered. "If you need anything just call, you know that. I'm not your wife, but I'll bring you extra clothes if you need."

We smiled at him and arrived at the top of the driveway. We saw Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Hinata getting ready to do something.

Before our conversation even ended, Daichi had ran over to them and stopped whatever they were plotting.

"I'm going to miss you y/n," Suga said and looked to the side again. "I wish it could be me next to you guys."

I realized his pain too late again. I was so focused on the team selected, I didn't even think about the ones who were staying behind to watch over Karasuno. And again.. Kageyama had been chosen over Suga.

"I'm going to miss you too Suga. There's nothing I can say to you that's not sugar coated and fake, but I will miss you." I told him truthfully. It's not like calling him mom would make him feel better about staying while we went to pull off a heist.

He hugged me gently for a minute and buried his face against shoulder. "Take care of them y/n."

That was probably the saddest goodbye I made before leaving in the morning. We said bye to everyone again and started our drive to Fukurodani's base.

It wasn't necessarily a quiet ride, but we enjoyed it nonetheless. We talked about the other banks mostly and how we'd deal with specific things. Mostly rivalry and responsibility. I know that Daichi was worried about Karasuno doing well and keeping ties with the other banks.

Once we had arrived, we approached the door and I knocked. Akaashi answered and let us in silently.

"Hey hey hey!1!1!" Bokuto said and came around the corner. "Welcome to the Fukurodani base."

We entered and took our shoes off. Akaashi followed after a sprinting Bokuto and we followed Akaashi. They led us to their living room and we saw Shiratorizawa along with Aoba Johsai.

"Y/N!!" Tendou said and sprang from his seat. He greeted me with a hug and kissed my cheek. I lowkey wanted to punch him for doing that in front of everyone, but I could tell them he's part French...

Oikawa and Iwaizumi were next to greet me. They hugged me and Iwaizumi ruffled my hair. I hugged everyone else and the room seemed lively once I started carrying the conversation.

"I missed you all so much, I'm glad I get to see you again and actually do work with you," I said and smiled. I felt like I was with my family, but at the same time, I felt so isolated. I felt like I was the only one that wanted us all to be friends. Not just friendly.

I talked most of the time because no one really felt comfortable. In a way we were all still rivals, but hopefully that doesn't separate us too much.

We heard a knock at the door and Nekoma came in a moment later. I got up to hug all of them and even Kenma hugged me. Kenma and I were definitely friends. In real life and on COD.

"Since we are all here there's no reason why we can't start," Ushijima said and his head tilted up slightly.

"Well okay then," Akaashi said and got up. He retrieved a stack papers from the dining table and set them down in front of him."Let's plan a heist."

A/N: I am so ready y'all

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