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'Puckerman, you have a phone call.' His boss called over to him. He stood up from his seat at the music shop. He knew it was his mom. She called him every Monday at exactly 2pm.

'Hey Ma.' He said as he answered the phone.

'Hi Honey.' His mom replied. 'How's work?'

'Well I didn't die on the way here.'

'Noah!' His mother exclaimed. 'After what happened in the airforce you shouldn't joke about this stuff.'

'Yes ma.' He said with a roll of his eyes. He hated thinking about what happened in the airforce. Humour was his coping mechanism. 'Why did you call?'

'To remind you to get your tux from the dry cleaners, it's Sara's wedding next weekend.'

He sighed. 'I know ma.' Sara, his little sister was six years younger than him and was getting married to her high school sweetheart, the fate he had imagined for himself. But he was twenty eight and hadn't been on a serious relationships for over 10 years.

'Are you bringing a date?' His mother asked. She had always been invested in her sons love life. She asked about it whenever she got the chance. 'Your nearly thirty. You should be settling down and preparing to have children. I want a grandchild.'

You have a grandchild. The voice in his head said but he didn't say it out loud. Beth had always been a taboo subject. 'Okay. I'm twenty eight and I have plenty of time to find someone. Plus Sara is getting married so I'm sure that she'll give you a grandchild soon.'

'Speaking of the wedding. You said you were bringing a date. That's amazing Noah what's her name?'

The truth was he didn't have a date. He didn't do relationships. He had practically sworn them off since the last one ended in heartbreak. He didn't want to disappoint his mom so he desperately needed to find a date in the next 4 days.

'Her name is...' he paused trying to think of a name. 'You'll meet her soon ma. You'll love her.' He was really digging the whole deeper.

'That's wonderful Noah. I'll see you on Friday.'

The mother and son said they're goodbyes. Puck sighed as he put the phone down on his desk. His eyes wondering to the calendar. It was Monday, meaning that he has 4 days to find a the perfect girl. This was going to be hard.


'Where the hell am I meant to find a girl to take to my sisters wedding?' He sighed throwing himself onto Santana's couch. He and the Latina had been best friends for forever.

'If only you weren't such a manwhore who has sex with girls and never calls them back.' She teased moving his legs and sitting down

'Funny.' He replied. 'Why can't you come with me?'

'Because your mom knows I'm a lesbian.'

'I could always ask Lauren.'

'Bad idea.' She said shaking her head. 'Your mom hates her.'

'Do you have a better idea?' Puck asked. The Latina scanned her mind for a possible date and she instantly knew who.

'As a matter of fact. I do. Quinn.'

He laughed. He hadn't spoke to Quinn in nearly 10 years and the last time they spoke ended in shouting. The two had too much history.

'Come on. Your mom loves her. Sara loves her. You love her.'

'Do not.'

'Whatever.' She said not wanting to argue with the boy. 'Ask her. Doesn't she owe you for going to her sisters wedding with her in senior year so her family didn't think that they guy who knocked her up was a one night stand.'

'Yeah.' He replied. He remembered that wedding. It was one of the last nights they spent together.

'Call her.'

'What am I going to say? Hey Q I know we haven't seen or spoken to each other in ten years but can you be my date to my sisters wedding.'

'Yeah.' Santana shrugged.

He knew Quinn was his only option and spending time with her could give them both closure from ten years ago. Swallowing his pride he stood up and reached for his jacket.
'What's her address?'

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