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The day of the wedding finally came around. The blonde made her way to the kitchen and Sara was pacing.

'Is everything okay?' Quinn asked making herself known to the Puckermans.

'Hanna, one of my bridesmaids. Her flight got cancelled and she won't be able to get here in time.'

'Honey I'm sure we'll be able to find a solution.' Ruth said. Sara lifted herself on to the counter and put her head in her hands. 'Who was Hanna meant to walk with?'

'Noah.' Sara replied, realising what her mother was getting at. 'Q, how tall are you?'

'Five, Five. Why?'

'And you're about the same size as her too.' Ruth added.

Sara walked over to Quinn and took her hands. 'Quinn, will you please be my bridesmaid?'

'I-I don't know. This is your day and-'

'Please.' The bride to be poured. 'I want you to. You're Noah's girlfriend and you're basically my older sister. Please.'

The blonde bit her lip. How is  Sara going to feel when she find out that her and Puck was faking?

'Plus you'd look really hot in the dress.' Puck added.

Quinn rolled her eyes playfully him before turning her attention back to Sara. 'Are you sure you want me?'

'Of course I do.' She said. 'Is that a yes?'



The bridesmaids were getting ready in Sara's childhood bedroom. The blonde was ready, she had light makeup and she hair was in a neat half up half down style like the rest of the bridesmaids.

'Quinn, can you help me with my hair?' Sara asked. The blonde nodded and picked up the curling iron, looking at the girl through the mirror as they spoke. 'I hope in ten years Jordan still looks at me the way Noah looks at you.'

'How does he look at me?'

'Like he can't wait for spend the rest of his life with you. He lights up whenever your around or whenever your mentioned.' She explained. 'I see the way you look at him too.'

The blonde smiled. 'We've known eachother forever and we've loved eachother for just as long. He's the only person I feel like I can be my true self around.'

'That's what happens when your inlove.' Sara said.

The blonde smiled weakly, in a few days none of this week would matter and her and Puck would go back to never talking. 'Done.' She said snapping herself out of her thoughts. 'You look beautiful.'


'Okay, bridesmaids make your way downstairs when your groomsmen will be waiting for you.' Ruth announced. The blonde was the last one downstairs, as she descended from the stair case she saw Puck smiling up at her. A small wow escaped his lips.

'I was right, you do look hot in the dress.' He said once she reached him.

'Just hot?' She teased raising an eyebrow.

'No, you look gorgeous. As always.'

'You don't clean up to badly yourself Puckerman.' She said fixing his tie.

He hummed in amusement. 'We're the hottest couple.'

'The hottest.' She said lowly, drawing their lips together.

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