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Quinn woke up in an empty bed. She sat up and Puck was no where to be seen. She reluctantly got out of bed and made her way downstairs.

'Hey babe.' Puck said once he saw her.

'Morning.' She said pouring herself a cup of coffee. 'What time is it?'

'Nearly eleven.'

'Really? I haven't slept for that long in forever.' She said holding the cup close to her. 'What time did you wake up?'

'Six.' He replied. 'I've been out of the airforce for over two years but I'm still on base time.'

'Why did you get sent home? I know you can't just quit.'

Puck looked at the ground and shifted his weight uncomfortably.

'What are you two love birds talking about?' Sara asked coming into the kitchen.

'N-Nothing.' Puck stuttered out. The blonde narrowed her eyes at him. He wasn't telling her something.

'Well, Jordan is with his football buddies all day so I want to hear all about how you two got back together.' Sara said.

'Me too.' Ruth said joining the trio.

'It's not that interesting.' Quinn replied. The pair had never actually gotten around to creating a story of how they got back together.

'Come on. I bet it was really romantic.' Sara teased as the group sat around the table. 'Noah has alway had a soft spot for you.'

'She has a point.' Puck smirked. 'Babe, why don't you tell the story?'

The blonde scolded him and kicked his leg under the table. 'Okay babe.' She said her voice dripping in sarcasm.  'So we saw each other in Times Square just over a year ago and Noah asked me to go for coffee. I agreed. Then we started to rebuild our friendship and then six months ago he asked me to be his girlfriend.'

'That's so romantic.' Ruth said.

'Yeah, it was.' Quinn smiled. She felt uneasy because she had secretly longed for that to happen.

'You know, when Noah told me that he was bringing a date I thought it would be some girl he met in a club.' Ruth began. 'But I should have known that you two would eventually find your way back to each other.'

'Soulmates always find their way back to each other.' Sara said with a grin.

The couple shifted uncomfortably. Quinn stood up and excused herself. She practically ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

Puck stood up and followed her. 'Q, Are you okay?'

She opened the door, quickly pulling him into the bathroom.

'I can't do this.' She said lowly.

'Do what?'

'Lie.' She replied. 'If they find out that we're lying they'll be crushed.'

'They won't find out.' He said putting his hands on her shoulders to steady her. 'They're not going to find out.'

'This is so high school. I don't lie anymore.'

'I'm sorry for making you do this.'

She sighed. 'Don't be sorry. I wanted too.' She put her hand on his chest but he flinched away.

'W-We should go back out there.' He stuffed out running his hand through his hair.


Something was definitely up with him. She wanted to find out.

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