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Puck and Quinn made their way though Lima to Bredstix. It was literally a walk down memory lane. They got to their table and ordered.

'Okay Fabray, you and I are going to ask each other questions because we don't really know eachother anymore.' Puck began, Quinn took a sip of her wine before nodding. 'I'll go first. Do you have a boyfriend?'

She laughed. 'No. I haven't even kissed anyone since highschool.'

Pucks eyes widened. 'So I was the last guy you-'

'Last and only guy.' She replied. Before he could fully register the fact that he's the only person she slept with she spoke again. 'My turn. What about you Puckerman? In love with anyone besides yourself?'

He laughs. 'Nope. We're on the same boat. I have dated anyone since high school.'


'Hey it's my question.' Puck teased. 'Why haven't you dated anyone?'

'Law school kicked my ass and being a lawyer is kicking my ass. I don't have the time or patience for dating.' She replied truthfully. 'What about you?'

'I guess something-someone was stopping me.'

The blonde smiled and looked at her hands. 'I feel like we're in high school again.'

'Except with no pregnancy.' He teased.

'Definitely not.' She shook her head. 'Do you want more kids?'

'Yeah, but I'd only ever want them with one person?'




'Where are we going?' Quinn asked. They were in Puck's car driving through Lima.

'It's a surprise.'

After a few more moments of driving they reach the lake.

'I haven't been to this place since I was pregnant.'

'Me neither.'

'You loved this place.' She said raising an eyebrow.

He shifted uncomfortably. 'It's wasn't the same after-' He trailed off. They were silent for a moment before he took a hold of the blondes hand and lead her towards the water.

'Puck it's freezing.'

'I'll keep you warm.' He said wiggling his eyebrows.

'I'm sure you will.' She replied rolling her eyes playfully. They finally got into the lake with their clothes on and the water sent shivers down her spin. 'It's so cold.'

'You have to swim to get warm, ms Ivy League.' He teased.

The blondes laid back on the water to wet her hair. She swam towards Puck. He watched her as she made her way towards him as the moonlight danced on her wet skin and her wet hair fell around her face.

Once she got to him she draped her arms around his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his torso. He used his free hand to move a stray piece of hair from her face.

Her heart began to beat rapidly as he held her close to him. Her breathing hitched as she awaited for Puck to make the first move. She watched as his eyes flickered between her eyes and her lips. Slowly they began to lean into eachother, seconds felt like hours and they finally connected their lips. The kiss started off slow. The kisses were short and soft and made butterflies erupt in her stomach. The warmth of his body against hers made a shiver roll down her spin. After a few seconds of the soft, butterfly kisses the passion and lust took over the kisses were rough and desperate, like if their lips weren't connected for even a second the other would disappear. As the kisses died down Puck placed short, meaningful kisses on her lips.

'We should probably head back.' Quinn said reluctantly. She wanted to stay here in this lake, in his arms forever.

'One more question.' Puck said, still holding the blonde in his arms. 'Why did you say yes to being my fake girlfriend?'

'I wanted to spend time with you again.' She answered truthfully. 'Come on, I'm freezing.'

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