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'Do you ever see her?' Quinn asked as she climbed into bed. They were two days into their lie.

'Who?' He asked leaning on his side to face the blonde.

'Beth.' Saying the name of their daughter was a blow to both of them. They never spoke or thought about her. It hurt too much.

'Sometimes.' He shrugged. 'Shelby asks me to babysit sometimes.'

'Oh.' She said sadly.

'What's wrong?'

'She's never asked me.' The blonde said quietly. 'Does she know that your her dad?'

'Yeah, she does.' He said. 'She's knows about you too. She calls you mama Quinn.'

'She does.' She said with a watery smile.

He nodded. 'You know I think Shelby and Beth are here this week to visit Berry. I could ask her if we could babysit.'

'Shelby would never allow it.'

'She already did.' He said showing her his phone. 'She wants Beth to know us.'

'You already asked?'

'Yeah. It was meant to be a surprise.' He said.

'Thank you.'

'What are fake boyfriends for?' He teased.


'What if she hates me?' Quinn said looking up at Shelby's house.

'You're Quinn Fabray. No one could hate you.'

'Even you?'

'I could never hate you.' The two locked eyes but before either of them could speak the door opened.

'Daddy.' A voice exclaimed causing the two to tear their eyes away from each other.

'Hey B.' He said hugging the his twelve year old daughter. After pulling away from the embrace the girls eyes lead to Quinn.

'Mama Quinn?'

'Hi baby.' The blonde knelt down to Reach her the girls heigh and pulled her into a hug, the moment was better than she could have ever imagined. She felt her eyes well with tears.

'Mama why are you crying?'

'I'm just really happy.' She said ruffling the blondes hair.

The mini blonde smiled a place a kiss onto the older blondes cheek. 'Me too.' She took a hold of both of her parents hand and lead them into the house.

Quinn looked over to Puck and mouthed. 'Thank you.' He smiled and winked at the blonde.


'She really is perfect.' Quinn said as the got back to the Puckerman house.

'I know.' He replied softly.

'I seriously can not thank you enough for doing this.'

'You're welcome.' He smiled.

'We should have kept her.' She said sadly. 'Everything would have been so different.'

'I wouldn't have went to the airforce.' He said sitting next to her on the edge of the bed.

She looked at him and their eyes met. 'And we would still be together.' Her voice was soft and fragile, like her heart was breaking. Her eyes welled with tears for the second time that day. 'I'm really sorry about everything I said.'

'Q. That was a lifetime ago.'

'No it wasn't and it doesn't change what I said.'

'You had every right to be pissed at me for what happened.'

'I really wished that you would stop being so nice and just tell me that you hate.'

He moved from sitting beside her to kneeling in front of her. He took her hands in his and spoke. 'I could never hate you.'

'You should.'

'I don't, I never have and I never will.'

She offered a watery smile and linked her fingers with his. 'I've really missed you.'

'I missed you too.'

Quinn removed her hands from his and placed them on his shoulders. She leant into his and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He soon responded to the kiss and kissed her back while putting his hands on her cheeks.

Once they pulled away Puck spoke first. 'What was that for?'

'I-I don't know.' She stuttered out.

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