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Nerves filled her body as she awaited Puck's phone call to say that he was downstairs. She wasn't going to let herself get to close. She knew that that was naive and she couldn't keep her distance if they had to be a couple.

I'm here

She grabbed her suitcase and prepared herself to be alone with Puck.

'Sup milf.' He said once she got out of her apartment building.

She smiled. 'Hey manwhore.' She replied.

'We're going for a week.' He said looking at her suitcase.

'Do you want me to come?' He nodded. 'Then leave me and my clothes alone.' She laughed as she put the case into the trunk.


They've been driving for a few hours in mostly silence, other than Puck quietly singing along to the radio. She looked out of the window trying to ignore the swell of butterflies that erupted in her stomach.

'When did you get back from the airforce?' Quinn asked. 'I thought you were still there.'

She watched as his jaw clenched slightly and his grip on the steering wheel made his knuckles go white. 'Nearly two years ago.'

She looked at her hands and swallowed hard. 'Why did you tell me?'

He shrugged. 'I didn't think you'd care.'

'Of course I do.' She said sincerely. 'I know that we didn't end things well but-'

'Don't worry about it.' He cut her off.

'Okay.' She said slowly. She knew he wasn't telling her something but he doesn't owe her anything anymore. It's none of her business. 'We're meant to be a couple but we don't really know anything about each other anymore. What do you work as?'

'I do gigs in New York and I work in a music shop.' He replied. She could automatically see him in his element playing guitar and smiling. The thought made her smile. 'What about you Ms Yale?'

'I'm a lawyer. In my last case I helped a teen mom reverse the adoption of her baby.'

He looked what her and smiled. 'That's really great Q.'

'So, how did we get back together?'

'You finally realised that you love me.' He said flashing her his signature boyish smile. Ten years ago that would have made him weak in the knees.

She playfully rolled her eyes. 'No, I think that you made a big romantic gesture and told me that you've been in love with me since we were sixteen.' He hummed in amusement. He couldn't count the amount of times he nearly did that exact thing but that was many, many years ago. They were different now.

'Or you just missed sleeping with me.'

She gasped and hit his arms, giggling. He laughed to. It was good to laugh again. It made them feel like they were back in high school going on midnights drives to the lake, where they would talk for hours or not so PG things.

Once the laughing died down Puck looked at her and spoke. 'I've missed you.' He felt stupid as soon as he said it, but that feeling melted away when she said.

'I've missed you too.'

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