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'You two look like you had fun.' Jordan commented as Quinn and Puck walked through the door hand in hand.

'We did.' Quinn smiled. Puck hadn't seen her smile like that since she was pregnant.

'Did you too have sex in the lake because I'm planning to take my future kids there and if you did I'm not.' Sara commented.

'No. We didn't and your like twelve so don't talk about sex.' Puck teased.

Sara rolled her eyes and took Jordan's hand to walk away

'We should probably go change.' Puck said to the blonde.

Quinn got her pyjamas and headed to the bathroom to get changed. The smile hadn't left her face. She always felt so free with Puck, she wished she had let herself feel like this earlier.

She walked back into Pucks room and inhaled a sharp breath. 'Puck.'

He didn't have a shirt on and she finally saw what he had been hiding from her and why he kept flinching away from her.

A bullet wound and a five inch scar on his chest.

Before she could say anything else he put his shirt on and hoped she didn't see it. 'Cute PJs.'

'Noah.' She spoke softly. 'That's why you left the airforce.'

'It's not a big deal.' He said avoiding eye contact with her.

'Why didn't you tell me?' She asked sitting beside him. 'Noah, talk to me. Please.' Tells welled in her eyes.

He took a deep breath and avoided her eyes. 'I-I don't know how it happened. One minuet I was behind a bush, taking cover and then.' He paused. 'Then I was in the hospital. My mom told me that I was in a coma for over three months and they thought I was going to die.' He lifted up his shirt and finally looked at her. The blondes face was red, blotchy and tear stained. She ran her fingers along the scar as he spoke again. 'And now I have this.'

'I-I am so sorry.' She choked out.

He put his hand on her cheek and made her look at him. 'It's not you fault.'

'You could have died and the last thing I would have said to you was that I hated you and I hope I'd never see you again.' She sobbed.

'I know you didn't mean that.'

'But I still said it. I was mad but I was way out of line and I didn't mean a word of it. I don't know what I would have done if you would have die-'

'I didn't die. I'm here, in a town that I hate, but I'm with you and it's the happiest I've been in a long time.'

'Me too.' She replied with a small smile. 'I really am sorry.'

'I know, So am I.' He replied placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

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