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They got back to Lima and it was the same scene. Only this time Quinn and Puck were keeping their distance.
They weren't touching and they most definitely weren't kissing.

The doorbell sounded and the blond offered to get it.

'Did you miss me?' It was Santana. The two girls embraced.

'What are you doing here?' Quinn asked with a grin.

'My parents are renewing their vows, so here I am.'

'Sup Satan.' Puck said making himself known to the girls.

'Hey Manwhore.' Santana greeted hugging the boy. 'Come on. We are going to the old high school to show everyone that no one will ever be as hot or iconic as us.'


They went to the school. It was still the same. The same red and white theme, the same lockers and the same grief still hung over the place.

'I'm gonna say hi to coach.' Puck said excusing himself leaving the girls alone.

'So, are you gonna tell me what's going on between you and Puckerman?'

'We're faking for his mom. That's it.' The blonde said.

'That's crap and you know it. Why don't you two just get together already, I am so sick of watching you two pine over eachother.'

'We can't.' She said sadly. 'Look what happened last time.'

'Q, Puck getting hurt wasn't your fault.' Santana said softly. 'He doesn't blame you so why are you blaming yourself?'

'I-I don't know.'

'You need to forgive yourself for everything that went down. That way you and Puckerman can finally live happily ever after.'

Puck came back from the locker room and the trio decided to head to the choir room to say hi to Mr Schue.

Santana walked into the room first and Puck quickly grabbed Quinn's hand.

'What are you doing?' The blonde asked.

'If Schuester finds out that we're not actually dating he'll tell my mom.' Puck replied.

Quinn nodded and smiled.

'I thought I'd never see you guys again. Living it large in New York.' Mr Schue said once he saw the group.

Quinn looked around the room was hit with a wave of nostalgia. Of When Puck sang sweet Caroline and she could have sworn that was the moment she fell in love with him. Of when he sang Beth and it was like they were the only people in the world. Not to mention the amount of times they secretly made out in this room when they pretended to hate each other.

'And Quinn and Puck, I always knew you two would find your way back to eachother.' Their ex teacher said.

'So did we.' The blonde said with a hint of sadness that only Puck recognised.

Santana and Mr Schue went to find Sue while Quinn and Puck stayed behind. Puck wandered over to his old guitar. The pair took a seat. Feeling like they were about to witness one of Schues crazy lessons or hear Berry sing a solo.

'Do you still play?' The blonde asked.

'Yeah.' He replied. 'After the accident I put all of my emotions and feelings into songs.'

She offered a weak smile. 'I'm glad that you never lost that, I always loved it when you sang. What do you write about?'

'You.' He answered straight away.

'Really?' She asked. He nodded. 'I'd love to hear one of your songs sometime.'

He smiled. 'Do you remember when we did this?' He flips the guitar and the blonde saw the engraving of 'P&Q.'

She smiled and ran her finger along it. 'Yeah, when I was pregnant and we were still hiding it.' She felt guilty again. She had hurt him so much back then. 'I'm really sorry about that.'

'Stop apologising.' He said taking her hand a giving it a comforting squeeze. 'I forgive you for everything. Now you just have to forgive yourself.'

She smiled and nodded. 'I'm working on it.' She knew deep down that she could never forgive herself and never let herself be loved by him again. But his eyes were kind and his features were soft so she found herself leaning into him.

'Woah keep it PG.' Santana announced walking into the room.

The two pulled away from eachother.

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