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Puck woke up that morning to an empty bed. At first he chalked it up to Quinn waking up early but then his eyes fell to the pink note that laid in her place

I'm sorry

His heart sank as he read the read the note a million times. She had ran away, abandoned him. He wanted to cry but he didn't let himself, instead he got dressed and grabbed his car keys. He was going to win her back. He had too.


She arrived in New York in the early hours of the morning. She opened the door to her apartment quietly, knowing that Mercedes would be asleep.

'Q? Are you okay? I thought that you were going to be in Lima this weekend.' Mercedes said rushing towards her. The blonde had completely forgot that she was going on a trip with Sam.

She shook her head and finally allowed herself to break down. 'I love him so much.'

'Did you tell him that?'

She nodded and wiped away her tears.

'Then why did you run away?'

'Because he's cares about me too much.'

'Honey, he's in love with you. He'd do anything for you.' Mercedes explained. 'Love is when you put that person before yourself and when you'd do anything to keep them safe. You and Puck have been doing that for twelve years. Puck has always put you first and you're putting him first now because you think by not letting him love you that you're saving him. But you're not. That boy has probably woken up without you beside him and his heart is breaking. You want him and he wants you. It's time to break down your walls and let yourself be loved.'


It was 10pm when her doorbell rang. The blonde stood up and looked through the peep hole and Inhaled a sharp breath when she saw Puck at her door. She didn't answer.

'Quinn I know you're in there.' He knocked the door louder. The blonde stayed as still and quiet as possible hoping he'd go away once he thought she wasn't home. 'Fine I'll just call you.' He said. 'And I swear Q if I hear it ring-'

She didn't listen to the rest of his sentence and took her phone from her pocket and putting it on silent. She felt butterflies when she saw his name pop up on her phone.

'Fine. I'll just wait until you get home.'

Shit. She hadn't thought about that and she knew him well enough to know that he would stay their all night.

Finally giving in she opened the door. 'Sorry I was-'

'Avoiding me.' He filled in the gap. 'Why'd you run away?'

'Puck please.'

'Talk to me Quinn. You told me that you loved me less than twenty four hours ago and I wake up with a note and you're five hundred miles away.'

'I'm sorry.'

'Tell me what's going on with you so we can work through it together.' He said softly, taking her hand and leading her to the couch. 'I know you Q, better than I know myself and I know that love and being loved is the scariest thing in the world for you. And it is for me too but when I'm with you all I want to do is love you and hold you.'

'You don't want me Puck.' She begins. 'All I've ever done is hurt you.'

'That's not true.' He said.

'It's my fault you got hurt in the airforce.' She said. He finally realised why she hadn't let herself fully open up to him.

'Q, no it isn't.' He said softly. 'I got hurt and now I have a huge scar and a bullet wound but none of what happened to me is your fault.' He lifted up his shirt revealing the scar. The blonde ran her finger across the raised skin and tried stop herself from crying.

'I am so sorry.' She said lowly.

He lifted up her chin for her to look at him, once they made eye contact he spoke. 'I don't want to hear you say that your sorry ever again.' He said lowly.

Her breathing hitched as she put her hands on his cheeks and kissed him, Puck instantly responded to the kiss and moved his hands to hips as the blonde moved to straddle him.

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