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The ceremony was beautiful. Puck spent more time looking at Quinn than he did at the actual ceremony. He watched as she teared up and watched the lovers intently. The pair briefly made eye contact and smiled at one another.

Once night fell, the party began. The music blared and people were drinking and laughing.

'Do you want to get married?' The blonde asked. The pair were sat on the porch swing. Quinn leant her body against his and his arms was around her drawing her closer.

'I-I've never really thought about it.'

'You're a terrible liar.' She laughed sitting up and looking at him. 'You have! Who's the unlucky girl?'

Puck opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Sara yelling that it's time to through the bouquet.

All of the girls gathered regardless of it they were in a relationship. The newly wed threw the bouquet  and it landed straight into Quinn's hands. The blonde smiled as everyone applauded her. She found herself looking around for Puck and her eyes finally found him, he was smiling brightly and shot her a wink.


'So Q, when is Noah going to propose?' Sara asked wandering over to the pair.

'Noah hasn't even thought about marriage.'

'Noah, is a terrible liar.' She laughed.

'Sara, don't.'

'Don't, what?' She asked looking between the siblings.

'You haven't told her?' Sara asked.

'Told me what?' The blonde asked.


'I've said too much.' Sara said wandering away.

'Want to tell me what that was about?'

'Come with me.' He said reluctantly. He stood up and took a hold of her hand. Safe to say the blonde had no idea what was happening. He lead her into his bedroom and he told her to sit down.

He went into his closet and came out holding a small box.

'When you asked me if I've ever thought about marriage, I didn't know how to answer because-' He paused, sitting next to her and opening the box to reveal a diamond ring. 'I was going to propose to you when you were pregnant.'

She blinked for a few seconds trying to process what he just said. 'Why didn't you?'

'The day I was planning to do it, you came home and told
me that you were leaving.'


'It's fine. It was tweleve years ago-'

She cut him off by turning his head and kissing him softly. When they pulled away the rested their forehead on each other's.

'What was that for?' He said lowly, still trying to catch his breath.

'For you, just bring you.' She said. 'That's the sweetest thing anybody has ever done for me.'


The blonde was catching up with Ruth when she felt Pucks arms wrap around her.

'Hi.' He said lowly sending a shiver down her spine.

'Hey.' She whispered back.

He placed a soft kiss on the blondes neck. 'Come dance with me.'

'Just don't step on my feet Puckerman.' She teased taking his hand and leaning him towards the dance floor.

'I'm not making any promises Fabray.' He drew her in close to him and put his hands on her hips. She draped her arms on his shoulders.

'What happens after tonight?' The blonde wandered.

'I-I don't know.' He stuttered out. They were leaving tomorrow morning and their 'relationship' would be over. They had no reason to talk again. This was it.

'Actually never mind.' She said softly. 'Let's just have tonight.'

'Yeah, lets have tonight.' He repeated sadly.

One simple favour Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora