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'How's it going?' Mercedes asked. It was the next morning. Quinn was in the garden alone so she decided to call Mercedes.

'I kissed him.'

'What?' The girl exclaimed.

'We saw Beth and then we started talking about what went down between us ten years ago and then I kissed him.'

'Did he kiss back?'

'Of course he did.'

Mercedes sighed. 'It's okay that you still love him, you know that right?'

'No it isn't.' She replied. 'I'll hurt him.'

'Q-' She trailed off.

'I'll call you later.' Quinn said and hung up the phone.

She hadn't been able to sleep the night before so she was awake to watch the sunrise. She sat on the porch swing with a cup of coffee and tried to clear her head. Which lead her to think about the last time she saw Puck.


It was graduation day. Everyone was full of hope and desire for what their future held.

Santana was holding a graduation party for the glee club. The blonde was sat by the pool aimlessly swirling her fingers in the water. She could here the music and the singing from inside. She was going to miss all of them so much. Especially...

'Fabray.' Puck said joining her. 'Wine cooler?'

She smiled and took one. 'Somethings never change.'

'Which one of these losers do you think you'll miss the most?'

'You.' She replied honestly.


She nodded. 'You're not just some guy I dated in high school. We have history.'

He smiled. 'I'll miss you the most too.'

'Wanna get out of here?' She asked, Surprising both Puck and herself.

'Y-Yeah.' He stuttered out.

The ended up back at Pucks house. It started with talking but they're Puck and Quinn talking always leads to something more. It was Quinn who made the first move, she connected their lips with such a fire and passion. She needed him at least one more time before they part ways. The blonde reached for his shirt of pull it off.

'Are you sure?' The boy asked.

She nodded and kissed him again.


'What are you thinking so hard about?' Ruth asked making herself known.

'Noah.' She replied truthfully.

'I'm so glad that you found your way back to eachother.'

'Yeah, me too.' She said sadly.

'After what happened in the airforce, he was in a dark place but seeing him with you. He's happy again.'

The blonde knitted her eyebrows together. 'W-What happened in the airforce?' She stuttered our trying not to cry. He got hurt.

'I've said too much.' Ruth said softly. 'Ask him.'

Ruth left the blonde alone. She felt even worse about what happened the morning after they slept together.


'Morning.' She said softly.

'I forgot how much I missed sleeping next to you.' He said placing a kiss on her forehead.

'Don't get soft on my now Puckerman.' She teased.

'Oh I won't.' He teased back, wiggling his eyebrows.

'You're disgusting.' She laughed.

The boys phone rang before he could think of anything smart of reply. 'Can you get that?'

The blonde playfully rolled her eyes as she reached for his jeans which were tossed to the side during last nights events. She pressed the phone to her ear. 'Hello?'

'Quinn? What are you doing with Pucks phone?' Finn asked.

She laughed. 'It doesn't matter. What did you need?'

'I was going to ask Puckerman when he's coming to say goodbye before he leaves.'

'Where's he going?' She asked.

'He's leaving for the airforce tonight.'

She felt a blow to her chest as her heart sank.
'A-Airforce?' She asked looking at Puck, who had a guilty look on his face. 'Finn I gotta go.'


'Did you ever plan to tell me?'

'I was going to tell you last night but-'

'But what? You decided to sleep with me instead.'

'No. Q it wasn't like that.'

She scoffed and stood up. 'What was it like then Puck?
We're you just going to disappear?'

'N-No.' He shook his head. 'Telling you meant that I was really going and that I was going to loose you.'

'But you still, we still slept together and you know how much that means to me.'

'I'm sorry, this doesn't mean that we can't be together.'

She laughed. 'Yes it does!' He looked genuinely hurt. 'Because I hate you and I hope I never see you again.' And with that she was gone.


'Quinn are okay?' Pucks voice sounded. She wiped away a stray tear the escaped her eyes. She didn't say anything she just stood up and ran towards him wrapping her arms around him.

'What was that for?'

'I'm just really glad that we're here together.'

He smiled and placed a kiss on her forehead.

'You two need to go get ready.' Sara said walking into the garden.

'Ready for what?' The blonde asked.

'You're rehearsal dinner is tomorrow.' Puck said.

'I know, but you two have dinner reservations at Bredstix tonight.'

'We do?'

'Yep. You're reservation is in an hour.' Sara said. 'Noah. I need to talk to you.'

Quinn excused herself. 'I'll go get ready.' She pecked Pucks lips before heading inside.

Sara lead Puck over to the corner of the garden. Once she knew no one could see them she slapped the boy.

'Ow.' He groaned. 'What was that for?'

The youngest Puckerman ignored the question and spoke. 'Why haven't you told Quinn about what happened to you in the airforce?'

'That hurt.' He said putting his hand on his cheek. He was ignoring the question.

'I don't care.' She bit back. 'Answer the question.'

'Because I-'

'Tell her. Tonight.'

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