Chapter 1

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Brooklyn Samantha Aaliyah Lucciano17 years old Three older brothersOlder sisterParents are okay but not greatI got played by a jock just for some stupid bet

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Brooklyn Samantha Aaliyah Lucciano
17 years old
Three older brothers
Older sister
Parents are okay but not great
I got played by a jock just for some stupid bet

Brooklyn pov.....

The whole junior class had a huge party at one of the class mate house's, I went with the popular jock that we had at the school but after what he did to me made me realize I was just a stupid bet. I watched him take money from his friend's.

His friends saw me and theu busted out laughing hard core, but he was just starring at me. What did I do to be treated it like this I just wanted to know why.

After about ten or fifteen minutes,  I booked it outside and that was the night my life was about to change forever. I walked home that night it was freezing that night. It is a wonder I did not end up getting sick but I lucked out.

It took me over two hours to get home, whenI finally got home it was around two in the morning or so. I tip toed up to the front door and unlocked it.

Then I walked in as quite as can be and I went to bed for the night, school starts in eight weeks. I laid down on my bed and my phone ding it was from asshole.

I did not answer him at all, I thought he liked me but boy was I wrong. What is wrong with guys my age why can't I find someone who really wants me.

Cause that stupid asshole jock tried his hardest to change me but never could for good reasons.

The next day after that horrible party, I acted like nothing happend that night as I started remembering what he did to me, he took my V Card just for stupid money.

I did not cry cause I am stronger then they think, so I did what I normally did. I went to the park to walk around and there we're the jocks and there stupid girls.

I walked right passed them,  but there stupid girls had to say something to piss me off. So I turned around and punched every last one of those girly girls in the damn nose. All you heard was a loud crack followed by a loud pop.

I smirked and walked away from them, who in there right minds at seventeen get a nose job that early in life but. Not my problem now there daddy can buy them a new one.

I am sure that won't be the last time I punch them breaking there fake ass nose, everything on them is fake so yeah. They are just jealous, but hey they suck.

All you heard was them screaming bloody murder but I did not care I had the biggest smile on my face as I walked around. I don't see how anyone puts up with that bullshit.

Four weeks later after that party, I was not feeling well to the weeks after that dumb party. I was throwing up, my boobs are sore as hell, I am moody, I am tired all the time, I ear weird ass cravings. Then it dawns on me that I have all of the signs of being pregnant.

So what do I do I bought a pregnancy test, the test said I was four plus weeks pregnant.  I was terrified to what to do next, but deep down I knew I was going to keep the baby or babies.

There is four weeks until, school opens then I have to seen all the dumb assholes thet thinks it is funny to hurt people in the worst way. After I told my parents and they thrown my ass out on the streets. So I  walked to my brothers house to see if theu let me stay with them for ever....

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