Chapter 7

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"They would never do that!"

"Well they did Bane!"

"She was seeing Nick, you're damn son Jim!"

He goes pale...

"It was just some bet between Nick, Johnny, Conner and Jason!"

"No you're  wrong they are good boys."

"How do you explain you're  fucking sons on the video not helping our baby sister but having there way with her huh!"

We shove my phone in there face...

"That could be anyone!"

"Are you fucking blind or just stupid!"

"Zeke he is both."

We both growl....

"Well if they are our sons,  she needs to get rid of it!"

"What did you say Kai and Peter!"

"We said she need to get rid of it!"

"First  of all it is not a fucking it and second it is a baby and third of all she is keeping the baby!"

"Ethan bro take a breath."

"Fucking hell no!"


All four of them jump!

Zeke bust out laughing....

I glare at him and he shuts the hell up...

"Now you're  sons need to man the fuck up or else!"

" No"

All four of them  say at the same time...

We both growl...

"Fine have it your way we are going to destroy you guys, mark my words!"

"Zeke lets go before  we do something that they want us to do."

"Fine! But watch you're  backs this is just the beginning! "

I growl and snarl as I follow Ethan out of the meeting room.

I just want to punch something, we are walking  out and we see there sons get out of the same truck. We stop dead in our tracks, they are looking at us and we walk over there to them.

"Nick, Johnny, Conner, Jason"!

They freeze!

"So you fuckers, drugged our baby sister and had you're  way with her!"

"Who is you're sister?"

"Well Nick, our sister is Brooklyn!"

All four of them turn white as hell...

"Oh by they way you fuckers made her go to the hospital!"


They say at the same time...

"Oh your fathers don't  care, they want her to get rid of the baby!"


"Yeah you assholes  got our baby sister pregnant! "

They swallow  hard, we just walk off and they are calling after us but we don't  care what they have to say........

Brooklyn pov...

Me and Tanner just got home maybe an hour ago or so. I am laying on the sofa in the family room watching food network.

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