Chapter 8

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School Day.....


My alarm clock, goes off I reach over and hit it. It is 5:45 in the morning I like getting up early for getting ready for school. I am dreading going to school. But I will keep my head held high and they are going to talk they can does not mean I have to listen to them.

I climb out of bed, I walk to the bathroom I open my bathroom  door and I walk in. I reach in the shower, I turn it on and I head back out of the bathroom.

I head to the closest, I start looking threw my new clothes that my brothers bought for me. They bought me a jeep and a truck, they are the best brothers I ever had.

The cooler weather has already  starting to set in so I pick out dark red jeans and a black blouse, I grab my black ankle boots. I walk out,  of the closest. I go to my dresser, for my socks, bra and panties. 

I walk to the bathroom  again and I shut the door, I put my things down and I feel the shower it is ready.

30 Minutes Later......

I just got out of the shower,I dry off and I get dress..

I just got out of the shower,I dry off and I get dress

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My outfit

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My outfit...

I look in the mirror, and I curl my hair and I do a little bit of make up

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I look in the mirror, and I curl my hair and I do a little bit of make up. I grab my backpack and I put all of my school supplies in my back. I grab my purse to make sure I have my school id to get in.

We have a strict school but, I just hope I don't  get kicked  out but if I do I do. Then they will have to deal with my  brothers, I slide my phone in my back pocket. 

I sling my bag over my shoulder is is six twenty and I open my bedroom door. I step out and I turn around, I grab my black leather jacket. I shut the bedroom door..

I walk down the hall, and then I round the corner of the hall I walk down the steps. I get to the last step and step off, I walk to the kitchen. I flip on the lights.

My brothers must still be getting ready for work, I head to the fridge.  I pull out cherry yogurt, I grab the granola and fresh fruit. I make me a blow and I pour me some Orange juice.  I sit down at the kitchen island,  I start eating when Ethan, Zeke and Tanner walk into the kitchen.


" Morning sis."

30 Minutes Later....

All of us are heading to the front door..

"Sis if anyone starts shit, let us know and we will deal with the little shits."

"Okay Ethan! "

"Have a good day!"

"I will, you guys have one too!"

"I will, you guys have one too!"

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My truck...

I have an automatic starter, I love it I open my door and I climb into the truck. I put my bag, purse in the passenger seat. I put my seat belt on and I turn on country music.

I back out of the driveway and head to school.

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