first day at Blackwall high

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Hazel's P.O.V

"Jesus Christ... Lilac slow the fuck down girl." I softly spoke while rolling rolling my eyes as I comb my short dark brown hair in my vanity mirror in the spacious pastel blue room that I have grown up in for the past eleven years. Picking up the red and black flannel top off of the back of my light brown bedroom door and throwing it on, just before running down the stairs to grab the last slice of toast, when suddenly a football comes hurtling my way.

"Hazel heads up dude" a manly voice boomed through the house, only owned by one guy in the pack Caydon a senior at Blackwall high and the quarterback for the football team, forgetting the toast I run as fast as lighting towards the ball and catch it, my body making contact with the floor, just before hurtling it straight back at Caydon. 

"Bro you made me drop my fucking breakfast. If you want me on the team I need to eat damnit" I scoff at Caydon who was stood in the doorway with a smirk on his face.

"Hazel come on you are driving today we will be late." Lilac called out to me from outside, by my black truck. Caydon and I fly out the door with our bags half on half off, launching them into the back of the truck then launching ourselves into the truck and racing of to school.

It was always chaos it the house especially with Caydon always training me for the school's football team, even though, he knew that no one would know I was a girl, not under the the gear anyway but he knew I had the build, speed and strength to play, even if I was a little on the short side. As I pulled up to the school Caydon pings me a text that reads 'game try-outs at 3:15pm be the last one on knock out the comp. oh don't be late.' I smirk at my phone knowing that I will knock the competition put. Heading in to the school whispers are heard all around.

"I heard she is the future Alpha of the Whitefield pack." a girl muttered to her friend.

"How is she the only one alive from the Whitefield pack?" another questions.

 "Why is she here?" a Jock asks.

"She is the only Whitefield left so she can't go to their school." his girlfriend replies 

I was getting very irritated at all the whispering going on about me, the whispering kept happening until a low growl escaped my lips, a growl of displease and anger, with that growl things went quiet, as if people were scared of me, the only thing that calmed me down was the soft hand on my left shoulder sending an electric shock throughout my body and it was one I instantly recognized.

"Hazel calm down girl" a soft whisper left the person's lips and entered my ears, I knew who it was, only one girl in the whole pack has that voice and that is Lilac. I always felt stronger and better when ever Lilac was around but that's when I heard it above all the chatter.

"Oi pretty girl come to me Kaylon Ithan Grayson, Alpha to be of the Grayson pack. I'll be better than any Whitefield. they couldn't even protect their pack when it was slaughtered" Kaylon mocked Lilac could feel the anger rising inside of my body a burning anger from my wolf. "Come on doll you will like it better with me." Kaylon mocked again and with that, I launched myself at him, running fast, Kaylon couldn't even see me coming straight for him until I was right on top of him, pinning him to the floor by his throat. 

Moving my mouth close to his ear I whispered "you even think about talking to her like that again, look at her again, or touch her. I will personally rip you apart is that clear?" letting go of his neck Kaylon nodded and ran off cowering from me. after my eyes returned back to a blue from a hazel brown looking up at Lilac, I smiled. "all handled for you Lilac" I shouted down the hall. everyone was in shock due to the fact that no one has seen a Whitefield run with that speed not even a Blackstone.

"And that is why I want you on the school football team as the runner" Caydon spoke with a grin on his face. I burst out into laugher back at him, as me and Caydon shared a smile between us, I could her a whisper from Lilac's direction one that pained my wolf's heart. When suddenly Kaleb comes strolling over and starts talking.

"Dude girls can't play football especially on an all males team" he snaps at Caydon

"We need her on the team Kaleb, with her we will have a chance this year. Trust me." Caydon replies with honesty and truth in his voice. Kaleb sighs and shrugs as if to say 'Coach will get annoyed cause she is a girl' I could tell this just from his manner, that he didn't like me, in fact no one in the pack did like me apart from Lilac, Caydon and Alpha Jaycobs. Caydon looked at me worry written all over his face, i'm clutching my flannel, that's when I smelt it, my mate's scent of strawberries and caramel, with that my wolf went crazy 'mate' it screamed I looked around frantically trying to find them, that's when she caught my eyes the one girl running at me from down the hall and the scent was getting stronger with the closer she got and that's when panic took over.

"Don't come closer. Stay there." I cried out to her and ran in the opposite direction panicking of what to do. Ignoring it I just kept running faster and farther away from her.

the Beta, the Luna, the Alpha and the Mate (First Book In The Series)Where stories live. Discover now