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Finally father gave me the heads up to help with the man hunt for Hazel. For the past two months and one day I have felt everything that has happened to her, it's not fair she has had to go through hell especially after Kaleb.

"Why you going to look for her. No one likes, wants or loves her here it's better now she has gone, we can live in peace" Kaleb scoffed at me. My wolf was mad with the way he speaks about her, and now with her missing this way the final straw. I pinned him against the wall by his throat.

"You even touch her, look at her or talk to her like you did when she was 13 and I will kill you" I growled angry at him, with that he cowered and ran once I released him. As I walked out into the cold evening outside, heading down a long winding dark path, a faint smell reaches my nose. "Hazel!" I whisper running fast down the road I come across a truck that is blended into the darkness of the area around me, I trip over something and hear a soft small groan.

"Lilac?" Hazel groan gently picking her up and placing her into the truck next to me, turning the keys in the truck to start the engine and pulling away. The turtle pendant from her neck is gone I notice all the bruises on her body and clench my teeth in anger. On the slow drive back she starts to come to and wake up. "Lilac is that you?" She asks me softly, I don't answer her instead I place a soft hand on her side and hold her close to me,  I feel her body flinch under my hand. A horrible feeling goes through my body one I hadn't felt before. After what felt like forever we eventually arrived back at the pack house, getting out the truck and picking Hazel up carefully and carrying her to the pastel blue room that was her's. I put her shorts and vest on that she wears to bed on her body the bruises, cuts and scars visible all over, her bones can be felt under her skin.

"Father, Caydon" I call from the bedroom fear laced my voice, the door opens to show my dad and Caydon on the other side. They slowly make their way over and I show them the way she is,

"You are joking, these men put their hands on Hazel, hurt her, starved her and raped her" anger present in Caydon's voice, my dad leaves the room and heads downstairs to set up a man hunt I follow behind with Caydon. 

"I want these two men hunted down, rouges by the looks of it and they are the Jaxson brothers Joe and Sierras. I want these men hunted for what they have done to Hazel" my dad shouted, his alpha voice boomed throughout the pack house, no one dared to oppose his orders all but one person.

"Why should we do this for her, she brought the Greyson pack to out front door, she deserves it" Kaleb replied with bitterness in his voice, I glared at him from behind my father. everyone else leaves for the search, that is everyone but me, Hazel, Caydon and Kaleb. The smell of Hazel's scent fills my nose as I turn and look at the beautiful, hurt and injured mate in front of me. I quickly move to her side to hold her up so she doesn't fall and hurt herself that's when I hear it, two heartbeats.

"Caydon get her upstairs and into bed please I will need to talk to you in private" I whisper to him, he nods and carries her to bed as I grab a book all about the Whitefield Alphas and turn to one particular section titled "Second born daughter the Luna" I whispered to myself as I read the section I come across a very interesting part in the book "the second born daughter gets pregnant after being mated with, once she has come of age, this is at sixteen. This is only until her mate marks her then only her mate can get her, pregnant." I read to interested Caydon who has just entered the room once again I look at him with pain in my eyes.

"You heard the second heart beat as well then?" Caydon asks, I nod and look back at him silent worried about what we will do, how will I approach this with my dad.

"Caydon I have a way that we could make fix this" I start to say, he looks at me interested and his eyes are begging for me to continue "if I mark her she will be marked as mine, and then we make up a story that we went and done the bone marrow baby IVF" I finished Caydon gave me that little smirk he always used to when Hazel first arrived, we both knew our plan would work. As I approached the door to Hazel's bedroom and take a deep breath. I open the door and Hazel jumps on me, shutting and locking the door behind us. Lips collided together we make our way to the bed, kissing her neck and her collar bones, she flinches a little but the little moans that escape her mouth are of pleasure. I move further down her body and her moans start to sound likes angels singing and then I place a mark on her thighs and her neck.

the Beta, the Luna, the Alpha and the Mate (First Book In The Series)Where stories live. Discover now