Leon Regrets Everything

701 13 26

"Fucking god! Stop chasing me! I said I was sorry!"

Leon Kuwata runs out of the gym where he'd ran into less than twenty seconds ago, a very pissed off Ishida chasing after him, death scythe in hand.

"Not until you're lying dead on the floor!" Ishida yells.

"Where'd you even find your death scythe?!" Leon asks, frantically dodging a jab from the aforementioned death scythe.

"In the veeery back of Taka's closet," Ishida replies.
"I bet he thought he'd successfully confiscated it, but no, I have the same rate of finding lost things as that rule-abiding goody two-shoes. So, naturally, I found my coveted death scythe when I looked for it hard enough like two days ago."

"You've had it that long?" Leon asks.

Ishida sneers.
"And that's why I call you 'foolish Leon'. You're rather unobservant. What surprises me even more is how Taka hasn't found out I got my death scythe back."

The two continue running through Hope's Peak Academy's hallways (Taka would definitely not approve of this), neither teen uttering a word for a few minutes.

"Aren't you tired by now?" Ishida asks, breaking the silence.

"I am!" Leon shouts back at him.
"Dude, I'm running for my fucking life! Do you expect me to just stop and let you murder me?!"

Leon, partially out of breath, turns a corner and darts to his dorm room, quickly running in and locking the door from the inside before Ishida can get him.
The biker/moral compass fusion comes to an abrupt stop, leaning against the door. He puts his mouth to the keyhole and laughs.

"You thought that could stop me? Pathetic. I'm breaking down the friggin' door. This will end with you dead, whether you like it or not."
Ishida starts bashing his death scythe against Leon's door.

"Oh yeah? Well, I texted your boyfriend and asked him to come get you! Surely you wouldn't want to kill me in front of him, right? Come on, man, that's just common sense, no matter who you the hell are."

Ishida continues breaking Leon's door apart, cackling some more. By that point, there was a noticeable hole in the center of it.
"It's not like he's never watched someone die before. He watched his own brother die, for christ's sake."

After a few seconds, the seemingly sturdy door falls to pieces, no longer able to withstand the force of Ishida's powerful death scythe. A string of loud "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shits" quickly follow as Ishida runs into the room.

"Now what you gonna do?" Ishida asks tauntingly.
"There's nowhere left for you to run, Leon. Any last words before I kill you?"

Leon pulls a pocket knife out of his pocket, quickly opening the weapon. He stands up and stares Ishida in the eye.
"I'm not afraid to use this. I won't give up just yet."

"Psh, you'd have better luck killing that blue-haired weeaboo girl. I have the combined strength of both Taka and Mondo, so even if you did stab me, I wouldn't die from just that. Wanna try that again, bitch?"

Leon panics, too scared to speak or move. He collapses back onto his bed, dropping the pocket knife in the process.

Ishida inches closer to the baseball star, wielding his death scythe high above his head
"Alright, now that you're defenseless, I have the perfect opportunity to end you. Prepare for dea-"

"KIYONDO ISHIDA!" a deep, gruff voice interrupts from the hallway.
In comes Mondo, and Ishida turns around, stopping his current action of lowering his death scythe.

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