16. Fuck you

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Jules' POV
Once home I'l relieved to see Gavin's car is standing home, it's already 10 pm by the time I get so I assume everyone if or in bed or watching tv. From the fact that all the lights are out I assume the first option.

I try to enter as quietly as possible. Before I got to the room where Billie and I sleep I first take a look in Aldon's room to see if he's fine. But he's sleeping like a little baby when I push his door open softly.

"What are you doing?" That's Billie.

"Just checking up on him." I answer as I turn around to face her.

"Why huh? 'Cause you knew he was scared when you left him here alone? 'Cause you think he got hurt? Why?" She asks.

"Can we do this tomorrow?" I ask.

"No, you left a 7 year old ALONE. Where is your mind Jules?" She says.

"He's smart. He knows how to be alone." I defend myself.

"He's a 7 year old boy." She says.

"What did I have to do huh? Take him with me to drop a package of drugs? Or not do the package and have that asshole here, or have them hurt you and Aldon? What should I have done Billie?" I ask.

"Called, you should've called." She says.

"I know, look I'm sorry. I don't want to involve you or your friends and I was scared." I try to explain. "We are already involved they know where we live, so now you have to involve us - or at least - in everything so we can get out of it together." She says.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry."

"This was the first and last fucking time you did this okay." I just nod, knowing she's completely right.

"Is there anything left for me to eat?" I ask. "So first you leave little Aldon just like when he could be in danger and get met at me for it and now you ask if I have fucking food for you? Well fuck you." She says.

"Oh really? Well it's nice to now I have your support in getting through this. It was you in the first place who told me I should eat more. No fuck you Billie, I'll be at the hotel for the night, don't come looking for me. I'll be back when I feel like it." I answer and turn around to go back downstairs.

"No, sorry Jules, I know, I left a plate for you in the fridge you can just heat it up. I'll join you downstairs, I can't sleep now anyway." She says.

"Thank you." I answer weakly.


When I'm eating Billie is sitting in front of me with a glass of water. "So." She starts. "What was that all about?" She asks.

"I had to drop a drug package, I already told you that." I answer.

"Yeah, but how? What? Who? What exactly is it that you have to do in this system?" She asks.

"Basically I meet at a location drop with someone who has the drugs, most likely Hunter, he's the main man of whoever I'm working for. Then I have to take the package with me and drop it at another location drop for someone who's gonna sell it or use it or whatever. I don't know what happens with it." I explain.

"So you don't know who you're working for?" She asks.

"No, he or she keeps their identity totally secret." I tell her.

I know to make this work with Billie I have to answer all her questions with the most honesty possible  to gain her trust.

"How did you get in this system? How did you get introduced to it?" She asks.

Was hoping you'd come home (sequel to 'kill me, if you dare')Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang