18. The good life

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*authors note*
This chapter is like the shortest ever lmao I'm laughing at myself that I dare to even upload it. But it's ma bday so I use it as an excuse to be lazy and also college is starting in less then week so I'm allowed to be lazy for now!


*One week later*
Jules' POV
It's been real good lately, we set up everything for Billie and Gavin their daily shows and also a bar that Claudia and I will be working at during the shows.

So tonight we have our first set, which is exciting. We are selling tickets for like 5 euro's and a lot people have already bought a ticket but you don't have to buy in advance they can also just pay 5 euro's at the moment and walk in.


"Everything ready? Okay Billie, sound check!" Gavin shouts.


"You better get going before he eats you alive." I laugh as I push her towards the stage.

She was hanging by the bar as Claudia and I were finishing everything up for tonight.

Aldon is just sitting behind the bar with us, playing with his lego's just like he used to apparently.

Once they finish the sound check we open up and eventually people start arriving, there's no 'start time' they can walk in whenever they want. Even if it's after Gavin and Billie are done with their show.

They put together a tracklist and I wanted to look but Billie didn't allow me to, she wanted it to be a secret.


Eventually they start with the set.

"Hi everyone, wow this is been a minute I'm not used to it anymore and I don't wanna talk between every song like I'm some celebrity but I do wanna give some explanation behind some of the songs I wrote so that I don't confuse anyone. Now the first song is called 'friends' I wrote it a while ago about someone, but right now I don't feel like that song still fits for that person anymore. It does fit for someone else in my life. With that I want to tell y'all that a song can mean anything to anyone and even different things to one person. Anyway enough talking." She says and looks at Gavin to give him the sign he can start playing his guitar.

"But the again, if we're not friends
Someone else might love you, too
And then again, if we're not friends
There'd be nothing I could do, and that's why

Friends should sleep in other beds
And that's why friends shouldn't kiss me like you do
And I know that there's a limit to everything
But my friends won't love me like you
No, my friends won't love me like you do
Oh, my friends will never love me like you"

She finishes. I know she sung that about me.

"Now we're gonna lead on to some covers if you know the lyrics sing a long if you like. Dance if you like. Have fun." She says.

After that they start with some covers that fill the whole evening.

"Now I wanna sing one more song that's an original song of mine. I wrote it with my brother. It's called 'bury a friend'." She says.

Was hoping you'd come home (sequel to 'kill me, if you dare')Where stories live. Discover now