Chapter Five

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I groan to myself. The light from the sun was shining in my face. I opened one eye to look at the window. I saw floor to ceiling windows with dark curtains. I groaned closing my eye again. I don't remember having a floor to ceiling window. Then all of last night came flooding back into my mind. I shot up snapping my head to the sleeping figure right next to me. I grabbed my phone to see it was the crack of dawn. It was five in the morning.

I quickly got up and ran to his dressers. I was naked and I didn't want to be anymore. I grabbed one of his shirts throwing it over my head. Luckily it covered me up nicely. The shirt stopped a little less than halfway up my thigh. I looked back at Mr. Grey to make sure he was still asleep. I blew out of a breath of relief. I tipped toed out of the room closing the door quietly. When I turned around I bumped into something solid. I looked up to see it was a bodyguard. This was one of mine when I lived here.

His name was Elijah. He never talked much unless you got him alone and even then it was more like a one sided conversation. He has short brown hair, green eyes, had a fair complexion, and a very strong build. He stood about 6'9. He towered over about everybody I've seen him next to. And a very deep voice, but it was angelic. 

"What are you doing up, Ms. James," He asked looking down at me.

"I'm trying to go home, so I can get ready to be right back here," I said trying to walk past him.

He grabbed my arm pulling me back to my place, "Mr. Grey has requested that you not leave today."

"Excuse me?!" I shouted.

Elijah's finger shot to his lips shushing me. I sent him a death glare.

"So he expects me to walk around all day wearing his shirt? I don't fucking think so," I said trying to push my way past Elijah.

"Ms. James, please just listen to these orders. I'll go to your house and get you clothes and whatever else you need, but I can not let you leave," he said looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Fine, but I'm going downstairs to make breakfast," I said finally pushing past him.

"Uh Ms. James, I need a key to get into your house," he said following me into the kitchen.

"Eric should be there, if not then here's the keys," I said tossing them at him.

I rolled my eyes turning around to the coffee maker. I grabbed a cup that was in the cabinet right above the coffee maker. I start the process to make a pot. I was going to need this whole pot to get through today. I turned around to look out into the living room. I start to thank god that there is nobody around, but myself. I enjoyed my alone time and I got it all the time living with Eric. We lived together, but we also were so busy with stuff. I was busy sulking about Mr. Grey and I was also working. Then In my spare time I was working on the car. Eric was working, partying, and apparently getting dicked down. I smile to myself; I still have to ask him about that.

The beeping of the coffee maker brought me out of my thoughts. I feel myself cheer up when I start to pour myself a cup. I walked over to the fridge to see my favorite creamer, Hazelnut. I grabbed it to see it has been unopened and of course not expired. Well it better not be expired, he has maids and cooks to make sure that everything stays fresh in the fridge. I poured it into the cup feeling my happiness grow stronger. 

Setting down the cup I walked over to the cabinets. I wanted to find something to eat. Then I stumbled across the most wonderful thing in the world. Pancakes. I run over to the fridge to see if there was bacon. I almost screamed in joy when I saw some. I grabbed all of the necessary equipment and get to work.

After I get the griddle to warm up and pancakes on it. I walk over to the living room turning on the t.v. Call me childish, but I love Spongebob in the morning. I smiled when it's on and I walked back into the kitchen. I flipped the pancakes, as well taking a sip of my coffee. I set down the spatula and replaced it with my phone. I sat there and scrolled. Stopping on a picture of me and a column by Buzzfeed. It read Jesse James No Longer With Millionaire Bachelor Christian Grey? 

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