Chapter Seven

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Mr. Grey never responded to me. So I was left in my thoughts. Who is Charlie Tango or what is a Charlie Tango? I looked up to see headlights pull into the driveway. I grabbed my purse and headed out the door. I see Mr. Grey in his car driving. I looked at him questioningly. I didn't think this man could drive that's why he's always being driven around. I jumped into the passenger side door.

"You look beautiful tonight Jesse," he said when I was fully in the car.

"Thank you Mr. Grey. You look as handsome as always," I said through my blush.

He smiles at you and then starts to drive off. I take this opportunity to stare at him a little. He had a perfectly chiseled jaw. Almost like he was a roman sculpture. I pulled my eyes away from him before I got caught staring at him.

"If I could I would stare at you too," he said with a smirk.

I blushed really hard. I've been caught. "So who or what is Charlie Tango?" I asked changing the subject really quickly.

"It's my helicopter," he said nonchalantly.

I snap my head to him. How could he say anything like that so carelessly, "You said that like it was nothing. Like that is not nothing Mr. Grey."

"Look you can buy everybody in you family a house and barely put a dent in how much money I have. A helicopter didn't even put a dent in my bank account. The yacht cost more than that." He said the last part under his breath hoping I didn't hear him.

"Oh mister money bags is showing off," I said laughing.

"You want to see showing off?" He asked.

"I think you just were Mr. Grey," I said laughing at him and rolling my eyes.

"Your getting spanked when we get out of this car," he said still smiling. "You didn't think I caught that eye roll."

I blushed really deeply. He was right. I did roll my eyes. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to be spanked. Something in me wanted to keep pushing buttons to make him pull over right now and spank me.

"You do it, you won't get your surprise," he said almost like he was riding my mind.

"What are you? Some kind of mind reader?" I asked joking around.

"It's my job as your dominant to know my submissive inside out. Plus I care a lot about you," he said taking a peek of me before turning his attention back to the road.

"Where are we going?" I asked subconsciously rubbing my thighs together.

"To Charlie Tango," he said.

The rest of the car ride was quite.


He pulled up to an empty airfield. The only thing out there was a helicopter big enough for two people. I slowly learn that we are the only ones out here. There was no pilot and not enough for all three of us. I slowly put two and two together. I looked at him in awe.

"You're a pilot?" I asked still in awe.

"Yes now bend over the hood," he said and I obeyed. "Are you wearing panties?"

"Yes Mr. Grey," I said and he immediately took them off of my throwing them far off into the field.

"You will count with each spanking," He said pulling the skirt of my dress up.

He rubbed my warm ass with his cool hand. I moaned quietly. So quietly I barely heard it myself. Then his hand left my ass. I prepare myself for the contact.

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