Chapter Ten

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Come on. Forty more minutes and I can board the plane. I thought to myself looking at my phone. Mr. Grey should be waking up soon to go for his morning run. Almost like he read my mind, my phone dinged.

His name flashing across the screen.

Christian: Where the hell did you go?

I sat there debating to answer him or not. Deciding on the latter, I put my phone down looking around for a Starbucks or something aling the lines of that. Finally spotting one. I grabbed my purse and walked over to the Starbucks.

As soon as I was done placing the order, I walked over to stand near where the order would come out. As I stood there my phone dinged. Pulling it out of my pocket already knowing it was Christian.

Christian: Why are you at the fucking airport?!

I scoffed to myself. He tracks my phone?! Who in the fuck does he think he is?!

Me: How long have you been tracking my fucking phone Christian?!

Christian: Why are you at the fucking airport?!

So he's not going to answer me. Okay two can at that fucking game. Grabbing my coffee as the man called my name. I looked back down at my phone. Taking out the sim card and walked past thw nearest trash can. Throwing the phone in it. I hope he has phone finding you.

Fuck this guy pisses me off and I got carried away with him again. Why can't I control myself around that ass of a man? I went to check the time and mentally dlapped myself for throwing my phone away now. Ugh!

I looked around for a clock on a wall or something, but to my luck there was nothing. I went and took my seat and huffed. I looked over to see a relatively attractive guy. He was a littler chunkier, but still had a lot of muscle to him. I smiled to myself.

"Hey, I lost my phone eariler can you tell me what time it is?" I asked as sweetly as possible.

He looked up at me and kind of just stared at me for a second before he answered me.

'Are you deaf?' I signed to him.

"What?" He asked watching my hands.

"I asked if you were deaf. And before that I asked if yoy could tell me the time," I said with a small giggle escaping me.

Where the hell did that come from? I thought to myself.

"Oh uhm-its 5:35. Where are you going- wait don't answer that was creepy," he said turning away from me. I could see his cheeks turning red.  I smiled seeing that.

"Im going to Arizona. I'm assuming yoy are too. I mean if not one of us is in the section," I said smiling at him.

"You know that makes sense," he turned to my chuckling a little bit.

We stopped in our tracks when we heard the intercom, "ladies and gentlemen, were starting to board first class for flight 508. Again first class for flight 508." Then the intercom ended. Cool we were next.

"It looks like you got to go and get boarded....." He dragged it out like he was waiting for something-oh my name.

"Jesse, and no I'm flying coach. What makes you think I'd be riding first class?" I questioned looking at him.

"Well for one you're dressed in designer cloths. Two typically you don't carry your luggage with you when you ride first class, because they already have it boarded for you. And for three only rich people call it coach," he said smirking at me.

"You are a dick. I like you already," I fake scoffed at him.

"It's Derek," he said smiling at me.

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