Chapter Six

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I rolled over into something hard. I slowly opened my eyes to see it was a bare chest with small burns in it. I've wanted to ask him about them for a very long time, but I felt like it was something he should bring up. I slowly looked up to see Mr. Grey laying there. I thought I was just taking a nap. I slowly sat up, then I noticed Mr. Grey was sitting there staring at me.

"You're finally up, you've been asleep all day," he said smiling at me.

"I'm sorry Mr. Grey. I didn't mean to sleep all day," I turned away slightly away from him. I didn't want to make him upset again.

"Hey, look at me Jesse. I'm sorry for earlier I didn't mean to make you upset," he said sitting up to pull me to look at him.

I looked at him and he had a look of love in his eyes. I melted when I looked at him. He smiled at me apologetically while he grabbed my hand. I watched his every move curiously. This was a side of him I have never seen. He pulled my hand to his mouth to kiss it. Then he pulled my fingers to his mouth kissing them. He pulled my wedding ring to his mouth again, kissing the big diamond ring on it.

"I don't know how I got so lucky marrying the girl of everybody's dreams," he said looking into my eyes.

I opened and closed my mouth like a fish. I didn't know what to say.

"I- what are you talking about?" I asked him.

"When I yelled at you and Conner earlier. I was on an important call and I didn't mean to snap at you two," he said looking at his hands.

"Conner?" I asked knitting my eyebrows together. I looked up at him.

He furrowed his eyebrows looking at me, "yeah, our son wants to see you before bed."

I watched him get up off the bed. "Our son?" I asked myself hopping off the bed. I looked at to him see if he heard me, but he didn't.

He led me to my room - our sons room. He opened the door and walked in. I didn't follow I just looked at him with my eyebrows knitted together. We weren't married and we definitely didn't have a kid together.

"No, I want mommy, not you daddy. You are mean! I want my mommy!" I heard a tiny, but stern voice say.

"She's coming Conner. Remember mommy's sloe," I could hear Mr. Grey's voice full of love and compassion.

I forced my feet to move. I wanted to see him. I walked around the corner. Stopping dead in my tracks. I was looking at a little Christian, but he had my hair color and my facial expressions. I watched the boy look at Christian sternly until his head snapped to me. Conner smiled at me, then turned to Christian sticking his tongue out at him. He looked back at me and started to run to me. By instinct I opened my arms wide for him to jump into my arms, but he was snatched up by Christian before he could get to me.

"Conner, remember you can't do that to mommy anymore. She's got your little sister in her tummy," he said frowning at Conner.

I snapped my head down to my stomach. I was about five months along. Putting my hands to my stomach not believing him. I could feel the baby moving in me. I could feel her little kicks. It almost felt like popcorn kernels popping in your stomach. I could feel the tears wanting to break free, but I held them back.

"I'm sorry mommy I forgot," Conner said walking over to me.

I snatched him in my arms pulling him to my chest. I went to smell the top of his head. He smelt like me and Christian combined. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't them back anymore. I didn't want to hold them back any more. I wanted this to be real. I wanted to be holding mine and Mr. Grey's actual son.

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